MEA Free Market of Labor

Indonesian Labor, work hard is needed to face AEC
Indonesian Labor, work hard is needed to face AEC

By: Norman Triangga *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – The existence of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) became the early rounds to develop a variety of Indonesian economies in Southeast Asia in the development of the free market at the end of 2015. AEC become two sides of a coin for Indonesia: one side be a good opportunity to demonstrate the quality and quantity of products and human resources (HR) Indonesia to other countries, but on the other hand, can be a boomerang for Indonesia if we can not use it well.

I gasped at the news in national media circulating around last week. Media picked up an article on the Badan Pusat Statistic (BPS) that the beginning of 2016 there has been a drastic surge (74 percent) part-time arrival of foreign workers to Indonesia since the AEC into effect last January.

AEC is an agreement between the countries in Southeast Asia are opening a free market in the region. The opening of free market by the AEC will mean the invasion of foreign elements (from the countries of Southeast Asia) to our country. Ranging from investment, stuff, and labor, which, if not anticipated then our children at risk of becaming spectators in their own country.

The question is how do we today collectively able to face the challenges of globalization regime, among others called AEC?

I agreed with President Jokowi that we should be optimistic because the AEC is an opportunity. But to be a chance we have to seriously prepare and move the country and the nation to be a winner.

AEC will be a chance only if our human resources, especially young people can be prepared as well as possible. In this case the state should provide the fundamental basis of good regulation, clear and favor the interests of the nation. While we must support through a focus on improving education; improving the quality of the workforce, in order to guarantee competitive. In addition, also shape the character of integrity and work ethic of our young children. They should be more resilient, disciplined, honest and creative and ingenious. Innovation and creativity are the key.

Despite the dominant role in improving the quality belongs to the government, it doest’n mean the entire responsibility lies with the government. On the contrary, to the awareness that the effects of the AEC will be felt directly by the community and the responsibility to participate and prepare themselves in facing the AEC. Remember, we are no longer in competition with Indonesia, but also with a stranger in the world of work. So, instead of us being evicted, we better prepare provision to compete in the AEC. [NT]

*) CIDISS Contributor

AECAseanASEAN Economic CommunityFree Market of LaborLaborMEA
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