Measuring the Radical Understanding of the Younger Generation

Measuring the Radical Understanding of the Younger Generation

by: Andika Rahman

In recent years, the phenomenon of radicalization targeting the younger generation has become a profound global issue. With a spirit of idealism and wide access to the development of information technology is often the main target of the spread of radical understanding.

This understanding, with an attractive and promising package, can easily influence the thinking of a young generation seeking self. It requires serious attention from all sides, from families, educators, to the government. The notion of radicalism or radicalism targeting young people could threaten the social integrity and security of the country, as well as affect the future of future generations.

The younger generation today is growing up in a highly digitally connected world. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are an integral part of their lives. These platforms offer easy access to information and interact with various groups and individuals around the world. However, this facility also opens up opportunities for radical groups to spread their ideologies. Radical propaganda can spread quickly through social media, often bypassing the necessary filters to filter information.

Densus 88 Anti-Terrorism Mabes Polri is investigating terrorist cases in Batu, Malang, East Java. The suspect, HOK, is known to have been exposed to radicalism through a cross-country social media group. Densus 88 Anti-Terrorist Polri spokesman, Kombes Pol Aswin Siregar said his side had carried out the arrest of a teenager suspected to be temporarily suspected of provoking Islamic Daulah propaganda online, via the Internet or through sosmed.

During the transition to maturity, many adolescents are experiencing a crisis of identity and are looking for a place to feel accepted. Radicalism often offers a strong sense of belonging and purpose, which can be very attractive to those who feel neglected or confused with their identity.

Subsidiary of Operation Madago Raya, AKP Basirun Laele said that radicalism and intolerance are a threat to the unity and unity of the nation, so education to the young generation is very important to be done in an effort to maintain security and order. Hence, it is important for the younger generation to use social media wisely and responsibly, as well as to avoid its negative impact such as cyberbullying, spreading hoaks, and other negative content.

The radical understanding adopted by the younger generation can have a long-term devastating impact. In addition to threatening social security and stability, it can also undermine the psychological and social development of individuals. Those involved in radical groups often experience isolation from society, loss of educational opportunities, and involvement in illegal or violent activities.

Participation in radical activities can result in the loss of educational and employment opportunities. Engagement in extremist or violent activities can result in criminal punishment, which in turn can impede opportunities to pursue education or get a decent job.

Besides, radicalization can have a profound psychological impact. Individuals involved in extremist groups often experience isolation from the wider community and loss of contact with family and friends who do not understand. They may experience stress, anxiety, and emotional instability caused by internal and external conflict.

In an effort to create a young generation that is tolerant and rejects all forms of radicalism, Team Dai Polri Ops Madago Raya gives a tribute to the LDII youths who are camping in the Land Maritime Camp Dusun Landangan, Poso Coastal district Poso district. The program is expected to form a young generation of noble morality, tolerance and love of peace.

Dai Polri Team member Ipda Ilham Sriwan said it was very important for the younger generation to understand the dangers of radicalism and intolerance. From that, he hoped that the younger generation could become agents of change and spread the values of religious moderation in the surrounding community.

One of the most effective measures in preventing radicalization is comprehensive education. The educational curriculum should include material on tolerance, pluralism, and critical thinking. Education that emphasizes understanding different perspectives and analytical skills can help younger generations to be wiser in filtering the information and ideologies they receive. Schools and educational institutions should also facilitate open discussions on social and political issues, as well as providing knowledge about the dangers of radicalization.

Prevention of radicalism requires coordinated efforts between the various parties. Governments, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the public must work together to develop effective prevention programmes, including providing support to victims of radicalization and their families, as well as developing policies that can prevent the spread of extremist ideologies.

The radical perception facing the younger generation is a serious threat that requires common attention and action. By understanding why younger generations are the target of radicalization, we can develop effective prevention strategies. Good education, open communication within the family, as well as alternative positive activities are key to protecting the younger generation from the negative influence of extremist ideology. Through collective efforts and deep understanding, we can help future generations to grow into individuals who are productive, secure, and contribute positively to society.

)* The author is a contributor to NUSANTARA Institute of Religious Studies

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