By Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Every 17th of August is celebrated as a moment of Indonesia’s independence. There is something unique in every celebration every year, starting from the ceremony, flag matter, till the race. Every citizen of Indonesia from Sabang to merauke is celebrating the independence of the State of Indonesia, and also in Sebatik Island, North Kalimantan Province.
Sebatik Island is an island directly adjacent to Malaysia in land, sea and air. Uniquely, the Territory of Sebatik Island is divided into two regions namely Sebatik Indonesia and Malaysia.
This year, the celebration of Indonesia’s independence, Sebatik Island successfully noted to the record of Indonesian Museum record (MURI). MURI was noted because the participants were followed by 1,474 Paskibraka (troop flag raiser) from civil government agencies, the military and the border residents of Indonesia and Malaysia.
Participants of Paskibra consist of several government agencies both civil and military, youth organizations and school organizations. They consist of Kodim 0911 / Nunukan, Lanal Nunukan, Nunukan District Police, Pamtas Task Force, Ambalat Task Force, Subdistrict Officer, Village Office Officer, Civil Defense (Hansip), Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD), and Teachers Association of Indonesia (PGRI).
And then, High School Students, Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor), Putra Putri Indonesia Communication Forum (FKPPI), Islamic Students Association (HMI), Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII), Bela Negara (FBN) Forum, Youth Care Movement Expansion (Gempur).
Meanwhile, there also participated from Karang Taruna, Pemuda Panca Marga, Scout, Youth Communication Agency of Indonesian Mosque (BKPRMI), Family Welfare Association (PKK), Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), Saka Bhayangkara, Saka Bahari, Wira Khartika, Intra School Student Organization (OSIS), Center for Teaching and Learning Activities (PKBM), Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and Youth Red Cross (PMR).
Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT), Eko Putro Sandjojo attended as well as acting as inspector of ceremony (Irup) HUT RI 72nd at pier of Sei Pancang Village, Sebatik, North Kalimantan, thursday 17 August 2017. His presence also at once signed the record monument of the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI).
“We have just seen the very spectacular celebration of Indonesia’s 72nd Independence Day in Sebatik, North Kalimantan. It proves the outermost and border villages able also to; even they can also noted the MURI record by holding the largest Paskibraka team in Indonesia and also in the world, which is more than 1400 people,” said Eko such quote in detik.com.
To the MURI record, Eko admitted proud and appreciate it. It became a symbol that young men on the border could have record-breaking achievements and possess a high sense of patriotism.
Meanwhile, the submission of record-breaking certificate was handed directly from Senior Manager Muri, Awan Rahargo who attended the ceremony directly at the ceremony.
)* The author is CIDISS Contributor