New Students in Balangan Regency admitted ever taste drugs

A lot of student in Balangan Regency, East Kalimantan province admitted they ever taste the drugs (narcotic).
A lot of student in Balangan Regency, East Kalimantan province admitted they ever taste the drugs (narcotic).

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – shocked news is reported by National Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN) Balangan regency, East Kalimantan Province. BNN reported the result of the visiting in some schools. BNN reported that a number of new students admitted ever taste drug (narcotic).

Head of BNN Balangan, AKBP Abdul Muthalib stated that three visited schools, a numbers of student admitted ever taste a drug.

He added there are 39 students of 170 students in a SMA (senior high school) in Balangan that admitted taste the drug such as zenith, moreover crystal meths.

Even in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN/ Islamic junior high school), ten of 65 students in class IX admitted ever taste zenith.

When asking the method to make student admitted, Thalib explain that his party tell the bad effect of consuming drugs.

Then, his party effort to make convincing the student, must be cure early. If there is no cure, it will give bad effect, not only for their self, but also family and people, both health and social aspect.




drugsnarcoticNational Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN)Students
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