The IAF HLF-MSP Bali Gala Dinner Boosts Confidence in International Strategic Partnerships.

Bali – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended the Gala Dinner held as part of the Indonesia-Africa Forum II summit events. The dinner was held at The Intercontinental Bali on Sunday night (September 1, 2024).

This Gala Dinner was able to restore the confidence of participating countries in Indonesia.

The event took place grandly and warmly, attended by various delegations from participating countries, important figures in the business and investment world, as well as representatives from friendly nations. Throughout the event, all the invited guests appeared to be very cheerful.

In his speech at the Gala Dinner, President Jokowi welcomed the delegates and stated that Indonesia has the honor of leading the IAF – HLF MSP.

“Good evening and welcome to Indonesia, and enjoy the Gala Dinner,” said Jokowi.

This Gala Dinner also serves as an important platform for Indonesia to demonstrate its commitment to strengthening relations with African countries.

The event was enlivened by a cultural performance that showcased the richness of Indonesian art.

With President Jokowi’s presence at the IAF HLF-MSP Gala Dinner, Indonesia demonstrates its commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and deepening cooperation in various strategic fields. The presence of the country’s leaders at this event also serves as a positive signal for the future of closer and mutually beneficial international relations.

For your information, HLF-MSP 2024 successfully brought together various stakeholders to achieve collaborative efforts in addressing global challenges through multi-stakeholder partnerships.

Bogat Widyatmoko, Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, explained that this forum is expected to produce important agreements to address the global polycrisis issues.

“It simultaneously demonstrates his leadership in fostering international solidarity in line with the commitment to the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045,” he stated. [-red]

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