By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Orang Utan Conservation Program continues act in order keep the Primate in extinction. One of the program i.e. the orangutan action plan which in drafted simultaneously with the UN climate change conference in Bali, year 2007. This program calls so that the Orang Utan quarantine centre must be release into the wild in 2017.
However, the Orangutan Action Plan that threatened fail realized. It is because today there has no appropriate location to release the orangutans.
The head of the Conservation of the natural resources Conservation Area Section II of Kotawaringin Barat (BKSDA SKW II Kobar) Hartono, said, it has not yet found a suitable location to release and does not pose a new problem to orangutans.
“Before release orangutans in an area should be considered whether there is any impact to the orangutan, do not make new conflict with the humans,” said Hartono as quote in Borneo News.co.id.
Beside the conflict with humans, orangutans feed availability in the forested areas should also be there. Moreover, when viewed in the orangutan habitats cruising area can be very broad.
“In one day can reach about 20 to 30 km. Then the chosen location for release orangutan should be appropriate, don’t even stray into villages and raises new problems, “he said.
Hartono said, if indeed it does not allow forced these plans, then will put on hold.
“But certainly to decide such matters there is a technical study on the central level. The possibility of the 2017 plan will delay, in order to make no new problem occurred release, “said him