All Elements of Society Must Realize Peaceful Elections

By : Arsenio Bagas Pamungkas )*

All elements of society are expected to oversee peaceful General Elections. Ahead of the 2024 Election, conduciveness must be maintained. Likewise on election day and after. Elections must take place peacefully without any quarrels between supporters of the presidential candidate (Capres), because the goal is to find new leaders, not to fight each other.

Elections are held every 5 years. The people are waiting for him with enthusiasm, because they want to get a new leader candidate. Since the reform era, Indonesian citizens have been freed to choose their own presidential candidate, not the same as in the past, choosing parties and candidates. Elections are thrilling events because the results can be beyond predictions.

Elections must be prepared from now so that later it will run well. All elements of society play a major role in creating peaceful elections and supporting the government, KPU and all other parties. Peace must be maintained so that elections take place smoothly without any riots.

Gunungkidul Bawaslu held a Peaceful Election Declaration at Gunungkidul Cultural Park (TBG), Saturday, June 3, 2023. Gunungkidul Bawaslu chairman, Tri Asmiyanto said, the declaration was still in the momentum of the anniversary of Gunungkidul Regency and the birthday of Pancasila. It is hoped that the spirit of these two important events will also be present and owned by all elements of society to participate in overseeing elections that are peaceful, safe and with integrity.

On this occasion, Tri Asmiyanto led the reading of the declaration of quality and integrity peace election declarations. The two points of the pledge are: realizing elections that are direct, public, free of secrets, honest and fair. Then commit to supporting elections that are safe, orderly, peaceful, with integrity, without hoaxes, hate speech, politicization of SARA. and money politics.

Tri Asmiyanto hopes that participatory election supervision can be realized. Cross-agency and community participation in supervising all stages of the 2024 election. All elements of society are also aware that elections are a shared desire and property.

In this way, the risk of election violations can be minimized. Democratic parties can take place according to the principles and provisions. Finally, quality elections produce leaders or people’s representatives who are able to bring prosperity.

Peace must also be maintained because the campaign period can increase emotions and make the situation even hotter. Therefore, the public must remember that elections and pre-elections are carried out peacefully.

Meanwhile, Politician Surya Paloh stated that all elements of society must oversee the election and maintain its peace. This event requires everyone’s attention. In addition to maintaining peace, the community must be enthusiastic and participatory in the 2024 election. Don’t be ignorant and abstain from voting (white group), aka not exercising their rights in choosing presidential and legislative candidates.

Surya Paloh added that the community, religious leaders and political elites must play a role so that there is no election residue that creates hostility and hatred, thus harming the state. If the political elites make peace and stay in touch with each other, the community will follow them.

This means that the community is able to play a major role in creating peaceful elections. Elections are an event to choose leaders and candidates for new legislation. Do not make it a place of war or fierce hostilities because you are too supportive of a particular political party or presidential candidate. 

Another community figure who also supports peaceful elections is Suttan Kanjeng Penyimbang Muhammad Sani Amit, a traditional leader from Lampung, who stated that he supports peaceful elections and rejects money politics in the upcoming 2024 elections. He and all traditional leaders in Central Lampung signed an integrity pact and held a declaration of peaceful elections. This event is fully supported by the Election Supervisory Body (Banwaslu).

Muhammad Sani Amit continued, the purpose of the declaration is to reject money politics and prevent fraud in the 2024 elections. In addition, he and other Central Lampung traditional leaders will oversee the elections so that they run peacefully, of course with the synergy of the Banwaslu.

In a sense, traditional leaders in Central Lampung have a high commitment to maintaining peace in the upcoming 2024 elections. They also work closely with Banwaslu as the official state institution that oversees the smooth running of elections, both before and after the voting period. With this collaboration, it is hoped that the elections in Central Lampung and its surroundings will run peacefully without any obstacles at all.

Traditional leaders want the election to take place peacefully because this event is very prone to friction. The cause is due to excessive fanaticism of certain political parties or presidential candidates which can lead to brawls, both in the real world and in cyberspace. 

Residents will follow traditional leaders in their area because they are respected and elders. When traditional leaders support peaceful elections, residents will comply and minimize conflict. They remembered the traditional leader’s message to maintain peace.

The people are aware that the purpose of the election is good, namely to find new leaders and members of the legislature, so that Indonesia will be more advanced. Therefore they will keep the peace. Especially when there is a direct example from the traditional leader.

All elements of society will maintain the campaign period until after the election so that it is always peaceful. The 2024 elections must be a resounding success so that no one will abstain or commit fraud. Peace must be maintained and the people must always remember the purpose of elections, to find new leaders, not to fight each other.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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