Are We Really Need Mosque Politicization?

By: Aldia Putra) *

For Muslims, mosques have a strategic role, not only in matters of worship, but many other dimensions including politics. But many parties are unhappy if there are indications of politicization in mosques, especially for electoral matters.

For a long time, the fuss over the politicization of mosques surfaced. The community complained in certain mosques, some of which were spelled out by partisan politics and also radical notions from behind the pulpit of the mosque. This is what causes many people who do not want if the mosque is used for political affairs.

            Even though it plays a political role, ideally places of worship such as mosques do not lead to partisan political interests. This is where the sanctity of the mosque as a place of worship is tarnished. As a place that plays an important role in civilization, mosques are actually demeaned for personal political interests or certain figures.

            The public responded badly to the attitude of a number of mosques and their speakers were there when the event took place. The mosque where they are worshiping is even more avoided because mosques are monopolized by certain groups to campaign.

            Even though it is considered bad, the 2017 DKI Jakarta Pilgub is a marker of the beginning of political action that seems to sell electoral politics from behind the pulpit of the mosque.

            The fall of opposing candidates through issues disseminated from mosques is evidence of the strong role of the institution. Therefore, the move is presumably going to advance to various other contestations, including the 2019 Election.

            Not a few who judge that the mosque is only used for places of worship. However, if you look at the history and functions of the development, actually the activities carried out are not limited to things that smell only of religious rituals. In the Age of NabI Muhammad SAW until now, mosques hold affairs in various dimensions of Muslims.

            If traced, Islamic civilization is very dependent on the mosque. The sacred building has for years been the center of thought, education, war strategy and also government.

            In the era of Muhammah SAW, mosques also became an arena of effective mobilization. His lectures from inside the mosque succeeded in mobilizing people to join in various wars to defend the banner of Islam.

            But if the mosque is used for the benefit of such an electoral politics as the utterance of hate, then the mosque will only become a divisive arena, because such politics, according to him, is visualized. As a result, mosques which became the source of civilization actually became a source of political contestation and conflict between Muslims.

            The politicization of mosques can be defined as the use of mosques as a tool in hunting one’s political interests. The mosque is not a place of political awareness or education. Rather it is used as a liability for certain political interests.

            The politicization of mosques can actually grow seasonal religiosity. Suddenly there were people who in the political season or campaign became very religious conscious. Even though before the political period they were totally unwilling, even embarrassed to show their religious side.

            The politicization of this mosque is actually very irrelevant to the mosque. This is a form of political riding and things like this should be far from the mosque.

            The mosque is not only a place of prostration in the sense of ritual activities. Mosques are precisely the center of prostration in a comprehensive sense. Prostration in the overall meaning of a Muslim is the dedication of the totality of a servant to his Rabb.

            Agree or disagree, in fact it is. That religion and public life in the State of Indonesia cannot be separated. Public decisions that ignore religious values ​​can actually be considered as inherent policies.

            The mosque must be used as a center for awareness or political education for the people. What a political disadvantage for this people if the mosque is only used as a place of worship ritual.

            If the politicization of mosques is intended for the good of the people, then the role that must be played more is about political education for the people. This is because Islamic political science is very developed when taught from mosques.

            If the function of education is prioritized over partisan politics, then the politicization of mosques will be beneficial to the progress of Islamic civilization as in the golden era of Islam first.

            All efforts that lead to political campaigns or incitement to hate, certainly need to be kept away from the mosque. Such politicization of mosques must be rejected. Takmir should start thinking to restore the function of the mosque as a place to nurture people.

            If religion is misused and used as a tool to politicize a particular interest, this is the case. If religion is misused and used as a tool to politicize a particular interest, it is a misguided or misguided thing.

            Religion cannot be separated from the life of the world. Religion is the foundation of moral ethics in various ways including political affairs. The leaders must also understand religious values ​​and have attitudes and characters that coincide with religious values, so that religion is not politicized for political purposes.

            Therefore we need a balanced, inclusive and rational understanding. This understanding will give birth to understanding political behavior that is reasonable, balanced and inclusive.

            Separating politics from religion is indeed a necessity for secular countries. Because religion has absolutely nothing to do with the life of the nation and state. But this is the uniqueness of Indonesia. that Indonesia is not a religion. But religion is a fundamental part of the life of the nation and state. Therefore all kinds of da’wah efforts that have the potential to divide the nation should be suspected.

            It would be good for mosques to be the center for mutual bonding between unity even though the political ideology is different. All efforts to politicize mosques must be rejected, because this country needs strong unity to maintain the nation’s internal security.

) * The author is a social media activist

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