Jakarta – The National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago will be an ultra-modern and proud city, because it will show the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community. IKN has become a new civilization in Indonesia, and is an environmentally friendly and minimal carbon city. A capital city will be built in a modern way while preserving forests in Kalimantan.
IKN is still in the process of being developed and will become a city that has a new civilization in Indonesia. IKN Nusantara is designed as a beautiful, modern, and green capital city. Later, IKN will become a proud center of government, because it is very well designed and shows the face of Indonesia in the eyes of the world.
The head of the Nusantara IKN Authority, Bambang Susantono stated that there are five characteristics of the Nusantara National Institute and the government continues to boost infrastructure development for Indonesia’s new capital city. These five characters make IKN Nusantara a new urban civilization in Indonesia.
IKN is expected to become a carbon neutral city in 2045. He said, IKN is a city that was built with five main characters that put forward a green, smart city and good management of water circulation.
Bambang Susantono continued, IKN Nusantara is an example of a new urban civilization in Indonesia which has 5 characters namely Green, Smart, Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable. In a sense, the city of IKN Nusantara is not only a smart city. But also to be a green city that is inclusive, as well as having resilient and sustainable citizens to move forward.
IKN has become a new civilization because it is a smart city, where the government buildings are completely modern. For example, the ministry’s office uses sophisticated gadgets and administration and correspondence uses e-mail. No more files piled up because the system is online and at the same time paperless. In this way, IKN becomes a smart city as well as a green city because it saves paper and loves the earth.
In an effort to become a smart city , IKN also has a digital village located in Bukit Raya Village. In the digital village, apart from introducing the benefits of the internet and online marketing, there is also teaching about digital literacy. The aim is to educate the public to distinguish genuine news from hoaxes on social media. Bukit Raya Village has become a pilot center for other villages and it is hoped that all IKN residents will master technology and be proficient in using the internet.
Previously, President Jokowi emphasized that the development of the East Kalimantan Archipelago IKN carried the concept of Forest City (forest city). Currently, the core area of IKN Nusantara is dominated by Industrial Plantation Forests. Later, the government will return the IKN Nusantara area to a jungle city dominated by native trees typical of Tropical Rain Forests. However, green land cover still needs to be increased to 75 percent.
IKN Nusantara will carry the concept of a forest city, so that most of the land must grow with green trees. The Minister of National Development Planning Suharso Monoarfa stated that there would be green area development in the National Archipelago National Park, as much as 70-75%. There is also a modern seed nursery area in Sepaku, East Kalimantan, with an area of 120 hectares. The nursery capacity is 10 million seedlings per year.
Minister Suharso’s statement was made during an audience with North Penajam Paser Regent Abdul Gafur Mas’ud. There will be no worries that the development of the IKN is across from Kalimantan’s status as one of the world’s lungs. Suharso guaranteed that the IKN would not drastically change Penajam Paser Utara into an arid area, after the development process.
If there is a guarantee from Minister Suharso, then not only the North Penajam Paser Regent will be relieved, but also the people of East Kalimantan. All this time they were afraid that the arrival of trucks and tractors would clear the forests of Kalimantan. But that will not happen, because the government has planned that at least 70% of the IKN area is a green area.
To realize 70% of green areas, the method is reforestation, aka reforestation in East Kalimantan. Reforestation is carried out not only on land, but also on hills. With reforestation, it is certain that Penajam Paser Utara, which will later change its name to Nusantara, will become a beautiful, cool and pleasant area.
The government created the green city concept in IKN because so far, the capital city has been synonymous with a place full of people and vehicles, so it is stuffy, jammed, and makes you short of breath. Even though this situation is very unhealthy and detrimental to the population in the long term. Therefore, when the capital city is moved to Kalimantan, a city that is modern but environmentally friendly will be created.
The concept of a green city for capital cities is still rarely applied in other countries, one could even say that Indonesia is a pioneer. Therefore, the community appreciates President Jokowi, who is working hard to realize an IKN project that is green and does not destroy Kalimantan’s forests. A green city also has minimal exhaust emissions so that the majority of the population uses electric vehicles, and this is still a long-term project. IKN Nusantara is the new civilization of Indonesia. Where a capital city is very sophisticated and its offices use gadgets and internet networks, thereby minimizing the use of paper. In addition, IKN has also become a green city and continues to preserve Kalimantan’s forests.