Maintain Peace in Papua Regional Elections for the Sake of Golden Indonesia 2045

Maintain Peace in Papua Regional Elections for the Sake of Golden Indonesia 2045

By: Rebecca Marian)*

The democratic celebration through simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) in 2024 is an important moment for the Indonesian nation, especially for Papua and West Papua. The success of holding safe, peaceful, and orderly Pilkada will play a major role in strengthening democracy and forging unity, especially in areas that often experience security challenges. In order to achieve the ideals of Golden Indonesia 2045, Papua is expected to be able to demonstrate its social and political stability. This Pilkada moment is not only about choosing a leader, but also a means of maintaining harmony and supporting sustainable development in Papua.

One of the real efforts in maintaining security stability during the Pilkada can be seen from the initiative of the Acting Regent of Yalimo, Hasuka Hisage. Through meetings with the KPU, Bawaslu, TNI/Polri, and community leaders, Hasuka emphasized the importance of cooperation to realize a safe Pilkada. The involvement of these stakeholders is expected to minimize the potential for disturbances to security and public order (kamtibmas) in Yalimo.

Hasuka also appealed to all people in the five districts of Yalimo Regency not to be provoked by issues that could trigger conflict. This is important considering the experience of previous Pilkada which was marked by problems related to logistics and distribution of ballots. Efforts to involve various parties, including churches, indigenous community institutions (LMA), state civil apparatus (ASN), and the general public, strengthen the belief that this Pilkada can run more peacefully.

Ahead of the Pilkada, the West Papua Police also played an active role in conveying public order messages to maintain security. Head of the Planning and Administration Sub-Division (Renmin) of the West Papua Police Operations Bureau, AKP Sawal Halim, emphasized the importance of Polri’s neutrality during the Pilkada process, and invited the public to maintain unity even though they have different choices. This shows the Polri’s professional attitude in maintaining security without bias, while also supporting the smooth running of the Pilkada.

Not only that, the West Papua Regional Police have carried out various supervision and assistance activities involving community leaders to strengthen synergy in maintaining peace. According to the Head of the South Sorong Police Intelligence Unit, Iptu Algeredo AA Jarisetouw, the peace declaration with community leaders is a concrete step in ensuring that the Pilkada can run safely and smoothly.

Efforts to maintain stability have received support from various figures and levels of society in Papua. Putri Indonesia Papua 2023, Yunita H. Monim, appreciated the steps taken by the Papua Police in maintaining security ahead of the simultaneous Pilkada. According to her, calm in the implementation of the Pilkada will create conducive conditions so that the elected leader can truly listen to the aspirations of the people and bring prosperity to Papua.

Meanwhile, the traditional figure and Head of the Kamoro Tribe in Timika, Marianus Magnaiteku, also expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Cartenz 2024 Peace Operation Task Force. This task force has worked hard to maintain security in vulnerable areas in Papua, especially those that are often marked by tension. The Head of the Cartenz Peace Operation, Brigadier General Pol. Faizal Ramadhani, was praised for his ability to establish good communication with traditional and religious figures. This synergy not only prevents conflict but also strengthens social solidarity in Papua.

On the other hand, the West Papua KPU has anticipated various technical obstacles that may arise in the implementation of the Pilkada. The KPU has submitted a replacement for damaged ballots and addressed the lack of logistics through PT Gramedia in Cikarang. This step was taken so that there would be no disruptions related to logistics that could slow down or disrupt the implementation of the Pilkada. The Head of the West Papua KPU Abdul Muin Salewe revealed that the total permanent voter list (DPT) reached 376,548 people spread across seven districts. Given the large number of voters, the process of sorting and sending ballots was carried out carefully to ensure there was no lack of logistics.

The success of the Papua Pilkada has great strategic value for Indonesia. Papua is one of the regions that has enormous natural resource wealth and has an important geopolitical position. However, to maximize this potential, Papua needs sustainable stability and security. Peaceful Pilkada is a foundation for realizing an environment that supports investment, education, and sustainable development.

The success of a safe Pilkada will also strengthen national solidarity and reduce the potential for conflict that is often triggered by political and security issues in Papua. With the involvement of traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth, and the general public, security and peace in Papua can be maintained. This is also in line with the ideals of Indonesia Emas 2045, where Papua will be an integral part in welcoming a more prosperous future for the nation.

Whoever is elected as a leader in Papua later, is expected to be able to listen and accommodate the aspirations of the people. This election is not only about political victory, but also about the sustainability of Papua’s development. The elected leader must be able to utilize the great potential that Papua has, both in terms of natural resources and the cultural wealth it has.

With a strong commitment from all parties, the central government, local governments, security forces, and the community, the Pilkada in Papua can run smoothly, safely, and peacefully. This stability will be a solid foundation to lead Papua towards a better future, and support the realization of Indonesia Emas 2045, where all regions, including Papua, can enjoy prosperity and progress evenly.

)* Papuan students live in Jakarta

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