Make the 2024 Election Safe, Prevent the Threat of Radicalism and Terrorism

By : David Kiva Prambudi )*

The 2024 election is a very important program because it is a way to elect Indonesia’s new leader. Therefore, election security must be prioritized. To secure it, the authorities are on alert, especially to prevent threats and attacks from radical groups. Don’t let them disrupt the 2024 election procession.

Ahead of the 2024 election, security will be tightened. Security has been increased because there is the potential for attacks from radical groups, in the form of bombings as well as propaganda, hoaxes and hate speech. Radicalism must be eradicated because it has the potential to derail the election.

To secure the 2024 elections, there needs to be vigilance and the eradication of radicalism and terrorism. High level security was carried out and the National Police, TNI and BNPT worked together so that the elections could take place safely until they were finished.

The National Counterterrorism Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNPT RI) provided training to Bhayangkara, Community Security and Order Supervisor (Bhabinkamtibmas), Village Supervisory Officer (Babinsa) and Village Heads to increase preparedness at the village and sub-district levels.

BNPT Director of Capacity Building, Brigadier General Pol. Wawan Ridwan, stated that increasing preparedness against the threat of criminal acts of terrorism by involving Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa and Village Heads is very important considering that the movement of terror perpetrators often starts from the lower levels, Villages and Subdistricts.

Brigadier General Pol. Wawan Ridwan continued, increasing preparedness in village and sub-district areas is a necessity because it is predicted that there will be an increase in potential security threats in the political year. As the 2024 General Election approaches, potential security threats, including criminal acts of terrorism, could increase, therefore vigilance and prevention continues to be carried out.

This election moment is also vulnerable to being manipulated by radical terrorist groups to manipulate political issues for the sake of propaganda and intolerance in society, especially in villages and sub-districts.

The elements of these three pillars play a very important role in early detection efforts of the potential emergence and development of radical terrorism in society. What is meant by the three pillar elements are Babinsa, Lurah, and Bhabinkamtibmas.

The synergy that is built between Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa and the Village Head is the key to creating a safe environment and reducing the potential for the spread of radical terrorism which can threaten the stability and security of society.

When elections take place in the reform era, it is more tense. Not only because there are many new presidential candidates. But also because there is the potential for attacks from radical groups and terrorists. Don’t let the election be chaotic because of the actions of terrorists or end in a bloody incident.

Therefore, there is a need to prevent radical and terrorist attacks. Prevention is carried out from the smallest level (village) to the district/city and provincial levels. With vigilance and prevention carried out by security forces, it is certain that the 2024 elections will take place in a conducive manner.

Meanwhile, the public is also asked to be wary of attacks from radical groups in cyberspace. To prevent the spread of radicalism, the government is working hard and collaborating with many parties. The Ministry of Communication and Information (Communications and Informatics) in collaboration with the TNI and BNPT continues to monitor digital platforms that contain radicalism and terrorism content.

Minister of Communication and Informatics Budi Arie stated that the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) had terminated access or taken down 174 internet accounts and content that were indicated to contain indoctrination activities and the spread of radicalism from July to August 2023. 

Minister Budi continued, in accordance with President Jokowi’s direction to create a peaceful 2024 election, Kominfo immediately removed access to this radical content. The aim is to create a peaceful and conducive situation for the 2024 elections.

According to Minister Budi, his party is collaborating with the TNI and BNPT. They continue to monitor digital platforms that contain radicalism and terrorism content. Monitoring results from the two institutions show a significant increase in the spread of radicalism content. Some accounts are affiliated with national and international terrorist networks.

BNPT is working hard to carry out various efforts to prevent radicalism from taking root. Moreover, it is related to a political year which could be characterized by practices of intolerance and terrorism.

Members of radical groups are currently also spread across cyberspace and deliberately create special sites and accounts on social media. Their goal is to spread radicalism, terrorism and thwart the 2024 elections. 

Therefore, BNPT also urges the public to be aware of various threats of radicalism ahead of the 2024 elections which could later lead to identity politics. 

For this reason, BNPT continues to strengthen digital literacy by collaborating with various platform management and providers. This is an effort to ensure that in the public space on social media there are no narratives that lead to intolerance and radicalism.

To create a safe and peaceful 2024 election, various parties are working together. Starting from the Ministry of Communication and Information, BNPT, to the TNI and Polri. Everyone is working hard to prevent the spread of radicalism so that there is no potential for failure in the 2024 elections.

)* The author is a Yudistira Institute Contributor

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