Synergizing to Prevent Radicalism and Intolerance Ahead of the Election

By: Devi Putri Anjani )*

The 2024 General Election (Pemilu) is approaching, and the political atmosphere in Indonesia is getting warmer. Therefore, synergy is needed from all parties to remain alert to the spread of radicalism and intolerance that has the potential to emerge ahead of the elections.

The enthusiasm of citizens in celebrating this democratic party seems very strong. However, in the midst of this burning democratic turmoil, there is a threat that needs to be watched out for, namely the spread of radicalism propaganda which tends to take advantage of “crowded” moments in the political process.

The Bangka Belitung Islands Province Terrorism Prevention Communication Forum (FKPT) noted this threat and is working hard to prevent the spread of radicalism ahead of the 2024 elections.

They are worried that radicalism could disrupt the smooth implementation of elections in Serumpun Sebalai Country. Chair of the Babel Islands Province FKPT, Sri Wahyuni, views the importance of remaining vigilant in facing the political year leading up to the 2024 Election.

Wahyuni ​​explained that certain groups had prepared various forms of propaganda, both online and offline.

This propaganda includes calls to disobey the government, calls not to take part in elections, and the spread of fake news that has the potential to contain elements of SARA (Ethnicity, Religion, Race and Intergroup).

As long as these groups do not disturb public order, there is still tolerance. However, if they create unrest, legal and state officials will act decisively.

According to Wahyuni, even though the Bangka Belitung Islands are generally in a conducive condition, the potential for radicalism must still be watched out for. Radicalism can emerge at any time, and the authorities must not be careless. Radicalism knows no geographical boundaries, and can even use religion as packaging for certain purposes.

Currently, there have been no overt cases of radicalism and intolerance, but groups with these characteristics have been detected moving in groups in several areas, and this is what the public needs to pay special attention to.

Wahyuni ​​hopes that the people of Bangka Belitung, who are known for their tolerant attitude in everyday life, will always be alert and intelligent in facing various challenges. The public must be concerned and alert in detecting early signs of disturbances that have the potential to damage social peace.

Elsewhere in Indonesia, specifically in West Sulawesi, the West Sulawesi Regional Police’s Community Development Directorate is also working hard to anticipate the spread of radicalism and terrorism ahead of the 2024 elections.

They, through the alert operations unit, are intensively providing outreach and education to the community. One of the outreach actions was carried out by Inspector Lukman and his team on Jalan Sukarno Hatta Mamuju.

Inspector Lukman explained to the public that it is important to reject deviant, radical and terrorist ideas in order to maintain a conducive social security and order situation ahead of the 2024 elections. Currently,

The spread of radicalism has a global dimension, so that society must be more concerned and active in rejecting any thoughts or actions that could disrupt security and order.

The community’s response to this outreach effort was very positive. The community expressed its readiness to support the police in maintaining security and order, especially from threats related to radicalism and terrorism.

They are aware that creating a conducive social security and social security situation ahead of the elections is a shared responsibility.

Ultimately, ahead of the 2024 elections, synergistic efforts between the government, society and security forces are key in preventing the spread of radicalism and intolerance.

With high levels of voter participation and widespread enthusiasm, elections in Indonesia are an important milestone in the democratization process.

However, as a diverse democratic country, Indonesia also faces challenges in the form of propaganda and the spread of radicalism. This is why preventative measures and public education are essential to ensure that elections run smoothly and safely.

In the perspective of Sri Wahyuni, Chair of the FKPT of Bangka Belitung Islands Province, the importance of caution and vigilance in facing the political year leading up to the 2024 Election is the key to maintaining the integrity of democracy in Indonesia.

In several previous elections, it was seen how radicalism could damage the general election process. The Bangka Belitung Islands, which are known for their tolerance and inter-ethnic harmony, like other regions in Indonesia, are not immune from this risk.

It is important to understand that radicalism knows no geographic boundaries or ethnic background. This is a problem that cuts across the entire spectrum of society, and Indonesia as a heterogeneous country, with various ethnicities, religions and cultures, must always be vigilant.

This is reflected in the positive response of the people in West Sulawesi to the outreach conducted by Inspector Lukman and his team. The community has shown readiness to support security forces in maintaining conducive social security and order ahead of the elections.

As a democratic country, Indonesia has shown its strong commitment to running the democratic party smoothly. However, amidst political turmoil, maintaining the integrity of democracy becomes increasingly important.

Therefore, this invitation is a call to all parties to work together in efforts to maintain the unity, safety and stability of the country ahead of the 2024 elections. We hope that Indonesia can overcome this challenge successfully and maintain a strong democratic spirit.

)* Media Ambassador Contributor

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