The Community Supports the Inauguration of the Elected President / Vice President

The Community Supports the Inauguration of the Elected President / Vice President

By: Asep Maulana )*

The inauguration of the elected President and Vice President, Jokowi – Ma’ruf is the peak event of the 2019 Election series. Nevertheless, there are still a handful of people who do not accept the results of the 2019 elections so that they plan to disrupt the process. In response to this, elements of the community expressed their willingness to participate in guarding and succeeding the inauguration process of the elected President and Vice President.

I wonder what is in their minds who want to frustrate the inauguration of Jokowi, until they try to incite and ride an action that criticizes the Criminal Code Bill to voice the hashtag #TambatJokowi.

Responding to this, the Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin inauguration Action, which was held by the National Concern Movement in the Aspiration Park, brought up the issue of the riots in the DPR Building area which took place a few days ago.

Action field coordinator Ronald Mulia Sitorus said the riots in front of the Parliament Building were the result of incitement from individuals who wanted to thwart Jokowi – Ma’ruf’s inauguration.

He said, there was a group of people who also disobeyed and were anti-NKRI, the radicalists who openly tried to thwart the inauguration of the President and Vice-President elected for 2019-2024.

Ronaldo said that efforts to thwart the inauguration started from cases of discrimination against Papuan students in Surabaya, then continued to riots in Papua, to a number of student demonstrations that led to riots in several areas.

He also said that students could not carry arrows or Molotov cocktails. That means. There are radicals and intruders.

Ronald continued today’s action is preparation for the inauguration day for the president and vice president-elect on October 20. Besides in Jakarta, the institute also held a grand apple in Bandung, Surabaya and Sumedang.

Furthermore, Ronald said that he would take action before the inauguration was carried out. In the follow-up action, a long march will be held through the Presidential Palace.

The Jokowi’s inauguration escort action in Jakarta today starts at 12.00 WIB at the Aspiration Park directly opposite the Merdeka Palace. The mass of action in unison wearing white clothes.

The participants seemed to carry banners reading ‘Guard of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Guard’. There is also a banner that reads ‘Whatever happens we are with you Pakde’.

The action is certainly a form of resistance against groups who want to derail the jokowi’s inauguration through an unconstitutional mechanism.

Meanwhile the inauguration of the President and Vice President is just waiting for a matter of days. The inauguration which is planned to be held on 20 October must be interpreted as a celebration of people’s sovereignty. Moreover, Jokowi has clearly received a mandate from the people through the 2019 Presidential Election.

Pro Jokowi (Projo) Chairman Budi Arie Setiadi said that his party had accepted the decision that the inauguration would still be held on 20 October. Previously he also mentioned that Jokowi had the desire to advance the inauguration a day sooner.

He also appealed to all other elements of the community to commit themselves to safeguarding security situations and conditions ahead of the inauguration. The goal is to ensure that the inauguration agenda can be carried out according to a predetermined schedule.

Budi also considered that those who tried to thwart the inauguration agenda were those who tried to destroy democracy.

On different occasions, TNI Commander in Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto stressed that his institution was ready to support the police in securing the inauguration of the President and Vice President at the DPR / DPD / MPR RI Building on October 20, 2019.

Hadi said that his party would coordinate with the police regarding the number of soldiers needed to secure preparations to the inauguration of the president and vice president.

However, he said, the TNI would not lower the main weapons system (defense equipment) in the security process.

Security has become an important component in the success of the inauguration of the President and Vice President. Without defense equipment, the TNI apparatus tries to secure using a soft approach to minimize tension.

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said, the inauguration of the elected President and Vice President for the period 2019 – 2024, Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin, would continue to be held in accordance with the schedule set by the General Election Commission.

He said, the term of office should not go forward or backward from the set schedule. So that the inauguration of the President and Vice President 2019-2024 will continue on Sunday 20 October 2019.

We have a role to realize the democratic process that has been running in the spirit of maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation so as not to harm the democratic process that is already running. One of them is by participating in the success of the inauguration of the elected president and vice president, and not easily provoked by various provocations aimed at thwarting the inauguration.

)* The author is a social political observer

communityElectedinaugurationPresidentSupportVice President
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