By: Arifin *)
To Fairfax Media, Seven ministers australia revealed their plans to overthrow the Abbot of power, if Abbott did not renew his reign and improve the results of the poll in the Liberal Party who has been implemented recently, as reported Tempo.co ( 02/24/2015 )
Similar things reported by The Sydney Morning Herald (02/24/2015), opportunities to dropped Abbott an open through elections in the State of New South Wales in June and determination of the budget in May. The results of the poll on Abbott’s reign in Liberal Party (the party that supports Abbott) is 61-39. Its means, Liberal Party of Australia began do not believe to Abbott. Besides that, Abbott asked to focus on issues of national security, child protection, and budget.
Deputy Treasurer of the Liberal Party, Josh Frydenberg, said, currently, in the opinion polls, popularity Abbott continues to decline. So that he would attempt to convince his colleagues in the Liberal Party that he still deserves to lead the party and became Prime Minister of Australia, quoted by Channel 7 News, Monday (03/02/2015). “Obviously there are some in the Liberal Party who want a change of leadership,” said Frydenberg. “I was not sure Prime Minister can convince his colleagues, if he could still be in the position (Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Party).” he continued. Not only that, even the Minister of Communications, Malcolm Turnbull and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop encouraged to advance in the leadership contest in the Liberal Party, as quoted Kompas.com (03/02/2015)Not yet lost in memory, As many as 111 members of the Australian Parliament sent a letter to the Government of Indonesia to ask for cancellation the execution of two death row convicts Bali Nine, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan. The letter addressed to the the Ambassador of Indonesia in Canberra was signed politicians from both government and opposition parties in the House of Representatives and Senate, as reported by detik.com (02/12/2015)
To The Network seven, Labor Foreign Affairs spokesman and also representative opposition leader, Tanya Plibersek, confirms his support for duo Bali Nine. He said, both deserve “to get a second chance to repair themselves and get back in the community”.
The issue of execution of death row convicts two Australians, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, used by Abbott to boost his popularity. “He’s an all-out defended that Sukumaran and Chan are free of the death penalty. Thereby, his popularity that plummeted, can be rising again, “wrote an Australian citizen who refused to be named, quoted from harianterbit.com, Wednesday (03/04/2015).
International relations expert from the University of Padjadjaran (Padjadjaran) Bandung, Teuku Rezasyah explained, duo Bali Nine represent the two of minority communities in Australia, Myuran has Indian ethnic, while Andrew Chan is an Australian citizen of Chinese ethnicity, reported Okezone (03/08/2015).
Existence of plans for program Asean Economic Community (AEC) causing Australia wishes to enter the region and integrated with countries in Asia, such as China and India. In the integration process, Australia need to claim his country as a multicultural country, where all of ethnic groups in the country must be protected, he added.
*) The Author Is Jakarta Regional Contributors