PON XXI Aceh-Sumatra Utara is one of the peaks of Indonesia’s sports revival during President Jokowi’s era.

By: Muzakir Hasbi

The National Sports Week (PON) XXI, which will be held in Aceh and North Sumatra in 2024, marks an important milestone in the revival of sports in Indonesia under the leadership of the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

The event not only serves as a competition arena but also as a significant moment that underscores the achievements of national sports in recent years. As the main multi-sport event featuring 46 sports, PON XXI has successfully created a platform for the emergence of talented young athletes ready to carry Indonesia’s name to the international stage.

President Jokowi emphasized that PON XXI is not only aimed at achieving accomplishments, but also at producing a new generation of Indonesian athletes capable of breaking world records.

According to the leader of the nation born in the city of Surakarta, PON XXI should be a place for the development of outstanding athletes who will later compete in international events, including the SEA Games, Asian Games, and even the Olympics.

Thus, the Aceh-Sumut PON has created a strong foundation for the development of sports achievements in Indonesia, which is not only limited to the national level but also aimed at the global stage.

Since being inaugurated as the President of Indonesia in 2014, Joko Widodo has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to the development of national sports. I see that events like PON XXI are an important tool for weaving the unity of the nation, while also enhancing the quality of Indonesian athletes on the international stage. This is very relevant considering that improving sports performance requires not only adequate infrastructure but also sustainable and quality competition events.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia also shared a similar perspective. The Minister of Youth and Sports believes that the Aceh-North Sumatra PON is not just a sports festival, but a strong symbol of Indonesia’s unity.

Amid the various differences in this country, sports can serve as a unifying force. Additionally, the National Sports Week (PON) is also seen as an important means to enhance national sports achievements.

With the presence of competition in various sports, athletes have the opportunity to showcase their talents and abilities, which will ultimately strengthen Indonesia’s position on the world sports stage.

The success of PON XXI is also due to the support from the regions that hosted it, namely Aceh and North Sumatra. The Regent of Serdang Bedagai, H. Darma Wijaya, stated that this National Sports Week (PON) is a historic moment for the revival of sports, especially in the North Sumatra region.

He highlights the importance of the PON event in boosting the spirit of sports, not only among athletes but also within the wider community. This moment is hoped to serve as an encouragement for regions to be more active in developing sports, while also producing local athletes who can compete at national and international levels.

During his two terms in office, President Jokowi has placed great emphasis on the development of sports infrastructure. The construction of world-class venues in various regions, including Aceh and North Sumatra, demonstrates his commitment to advancing the world of sports.

Quality infrastructure is certainly an important factor in supporting athletes to excel, and this is clearly evident in the implementation of PON XXI. The various modern venues used in this PON reflect Indonesia’s readiness to host international standard sporting events.

In addition to physical development, events like PON XXI also play a crucial role in shaping the character and mentality of athletes. According to the Head of State, sporting events should be a place where values such as sportsmanship, togetherness, and the spirit of healthy competition are continuously developed.

These values will later serve as an important foundation for athletes as they compete in international competitions. Thus, PON XXI not only produces champions but also shapes outstanding character that is ready to face greater challenges on the world stage.

It is undeniable that the success of PON XXI Aceh-Sumut is also a reflection of the success of government policies under the leadership of President Jokowi.

As the first President of Indonesia who previously served as a regional leader and is not from a political or military elite background, President Jokowi has demonstrated a different approach in leading the country, including in the field of sports. His closer approach to the people, including athletes, has had a positive impact in creating a healthy and conducive competitive climate in the world of sports.

The 21st PON is not the only major sporting event held during President Jokowi’s era, but its success has become a symbol of the resurgence of sports in Indonesia. In the midst of various challenges faced by the nation, sports remain one of the important pillars in building national pride and unity.

With the ongoing various initiatives to improve sports achievements, Indonesia is increasingly ready to compete on the world stage, bringing the nation’s name to the pinnacle of glory.

In the future, the success of the Aceh-North Sumatra PON is expected to continue with the organization of various other major sporting events. Through this momentum, Indonesia has the opportunity to achieve more accomplishments while also strengthening its position as one of the sports powers in Asia and the world. This multi-sport event has affirmed that the resurgence of Indonesian sports is no longer just a discourse, but a reality that continues to evolve.

*) Researchers of Islamic Economics in Aceh – Sustainable Islamic Economic Forum of Aceh

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