President Jokowi’s Leadership Brings Positive Influence to the Aceh-North Sumatra PON

President Jokowi’s Leadership Brings Positive Influence to the Aceh-North Sumatra PON

By: Irma Nadia Sinaga

The leadership of the seventh President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has had a significant impact on various aspects of development in Indonesia, including in the field of sports. The National Sports Week (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 event is a tangible example of that positive influence.

Since taking office in 2014, President Jokowi has consistently given special attention to the development of national sports, including the organization of the national sports events held every four years.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Dito Ariotedjo, believes that under President Jokowi’s leadership, Indonesian sports have entered a golden era. The Minister of Youth and Sports sees that the President is always present and fully supports every effort to develop sports branches that have a clear vision and a well-prepared roadmap.

This is evident from the support for various sports such as football, badminton, weightlifting, archery, and others. This support also serves as an important foundation for sports administrators in Indonesia who are serious about advancing their respective sports.

As in the four-year national sports event, the support is manifested in the form of renovations and the construction of sports facilities, as well as improvements in the quality of the organization of PON XXI.

Aside from the sports aspect, the positive impact of President Jokowi’s leadership in the implementation of PON XXI is also felt in the infrastructure and economic sectors. The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Agus Fatoni, explained the significant impact of the Aceh-North Sumatra PON on the economic development in the province.

Various infrastructures such as stadiums, sports fields, and other venues were built to welcome the national sports festival organized by KONI. This development not only strengthens the sports sector but also has a positive impact on the tourism sector and the local economy.

The presence of tens of thousands of volunteers ready to assist in the implementation of PON XXI also sets this event apart from other international competitions. According to the Acting Governor of North Sumatra, the number of volunteers reaching 75 thousand has the potential to break MURI records and even surpass the number of volunteers in the organization of the Olympics.

Not only that, the tourism sector in North Sumatra has also seen an increase thanks to the organization of that national sports event. Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) such as restaurants, snack foods, and souvenirs are directly benefiting from the excitement of the XXI National Sports Week (PON), while the hospitality and tourism sectors are experiencing a significant increase in visitor numbers.

The positive impact of the XXI National Sports Week (PON) held in North Sumatra is certainly inseparable from the role and guidance of President Jokowi. The leader of the nation, born in the city of Surakarta, has requested that the maintenance and utilization of the rehabilitation and renovation facilities that have been carried out to support the XXI PON continue even after this sporting event concludes.
The President of Indonesia, who has been in office since 2014, emphasized the importance of managing sports facilities professionally so that they can be used in the long term. This instruction also aims to ensure that the investments made in sports infrastructure development are not only beneficial in the short term but can continue to support sports activities in the future.

In addition, President Jokowi realizes that the development of sports infrastructure is not just about building physical structures, but also about providing sustainable social and economic impacts for the local community.

Therefore, the seventh President of Indonesia directed local governments, including governors, regents, and mayors, to continue managing these facilities properly. Proper management will ensure that the community can continue to utilize these facilities and infrastructure, thereby providing long-term positive impacts not only for the sports world but also for the local economy.

The success of the XXI National Sports Week (PON) in Aceh and North Sumatra is a tangible testament to President Jokowi’s leadership in advancing sports in the country. This is evident not only in the technical aspects of the event’s organization but also in the positive impacts felt directly by the community, particularly in terms of infrastructure development, economic improvement, and local community empowerment.

Through ongoing policies and support, the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia has opened up significant opportunities for the sports world in Indonesia to further develop and be ready to compete at the international level.

With these various achievements, the XXI PON in Aceh-North Sumatra is not just a sporting event, but also a symbol of Indonesia’s progress under the leadership of President Joko Widodo.

The development of infrastructure, local economic growth, and the improvement of sports quality in Indonesia are clear evidence of how the XXI National Sports Week (PON XXI) has successfully brought about a wide-ranging positive impact, not only for sports but also for the community and the economy of the host regions. This national sports event will continue to be an important milestone in the history of sports development and national progress in Indonesia under President Jokowi’s leadership.

*) Social Issues Researcher – Nusantara Social Research Institute

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