PWI and Police of Central Kalimantan held Press Law Dialogue

Dialog of PWI Kalteng and Polda Kalteng Photo:
Dialog of PWI Kalteng and Polda Kalteng

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Journalists’ Association of Indonesia Central Kalimantan and Regional Police of Central Kalimantan held the interactive dialogue of the press law to increase the commonality of understanding in disseminating information.

The activities of the Press Law, titled interactive dialogue on the theme of the Press Council police journalists, held in Palangka Raya, Wednesday (6/4/2016).

Chief of Regional police Central Kalimantan, Brigjend Pol Fakhrizal while opening a dialogue in Palangka Raya, as quote in Antara News said that the community now increasingly critical and has the right to even non argued, become a challenge for police to keep as a protector and serve as well as law enforcement.

Then, it requires the involvement of all parties especially the people of the pers. In that occasion, Fakhrizal assumed that press is an extension of the sense of the police force in the see, hear and read through the information in many different places. Peoples of the Press are also known as “second hand of reality” or a reality that is already selected.

He admits relationship with PWI as well as the entire people of the press in the Central Kalimantan province is intertwined, and the expectation is constantly keep even more increased again after the interactive dialogue of the press law.

Central KalimantanJournalists’ association of Indonesia (PWI)Law DialoguePolice
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