Religion and Pancasila, The Powerful Recipe to reject Communist

Religion and Pancasila, The Powerful Recipe to reject Communist

PKI and communist ideology will not be able to perch and develop in NKRI, if the teachings of religion and Pancasila be the foundation in thinking and action by the community.

CIDISS. Fahira Idris describes if the state starts from the leaders and the people really run the values-in religion in everyday, then anti-God communist ideology will not be accepted. Meanwhile, if the value of Pancasila run by the state then the welfare of the people will be realized. In a religious and prosperous country, communism does not sell.

Fahira asked the leaders of the country who were determined to keep the Unitary State of the communists to set an example to all the people. The way, through the behavior and attitude that reflects the values ​​of religiosity and the birth of policies-the means capable of implementing the values ​​of Pancasila, especially those related to humanity and social justice.

According to him, communists will flourish where people are far from religious values, full of injustice, poverty, unemployment, and plastered real cliffs or gaping economic imbalances. People who experience such conditions will easily accept the dangerous ideology of communism.


The task of the state to dispel communist ideology is vital. Give the people of example and welfare, undoubtedly NKRI that Pancasila will remain upright. Do not give a single door for communists to flourish. Because whatever it is, communism is toxic to humanity, democracy and human rights (HAM).

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)


not be able to perch and develop in NKRIPancasilaPKI and communist ideologyreject Communistreligionthe foundation in thinking and actionThe Powerful Recipe
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