By : Widya Caterine )*
Jakarta – CIDISS. The number of cases of religious backgrounds seem as though this coloring 2016. The issue raises the issue of racist and religious issues getting warmer at the end of this year. How not case pitting religion can be seen by the many problems of terror which is described threatens the celebration of Christmas and New Year.Case contest pitted in terms of reporting too much going on. It should be a reflection along that lack of empathy for others, and the erosion of the sense of humanity among others so easily make religion as a means of pitting.
Even worse, provocations related to SARA widespread in social media. In fact, social media is used as a vehicle of information to mobilize the masses, with issues pertaining to religious matters. Even tend impressed with religious issues are used as a political tool for political opponents to attack each other.
True religion is the belief of the essentials of every individual. What’s more Indonesian people who have different beliefs is expected to make that difference becomes a harmony to jointly create peace and peace in our beloved country Indonesia.
In conditions like this, it takes an important role of any religious leaders of each religion to call for unity and unity in order to create a harmonious atmosphere among religions, and even more important is the role of each individual to intelligently interpret the information circulating particularly those involving racial issues not to be provoked by a handful of the party seeking to provoke people to those of the group.
Religion is not a vehicle of political, religious and not a tool to divide the unity of our country, but through religion can unite on the basis of religion Indonesia to maintain peace and mutual co-religionists or inter-religious.
)* Jakarta Contributor