Strengthening Student Competence, AMN Development Fully Supported by Local Colleges

Strengthening Student Competence, AMN Development Fully Supported by Local Colleges

Manado – The presence of the Nusantara Student Hall or AMN is believed to strengthen the competence of students in various sectors, not only education but also in the fields of farming, agriculture, and fishing.

Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) Manado demonstrates its commitment to support the construction of the Nusantara Student’s Home (AMN) by preparing dozens of hectares of land for the development of students’ skills in various fields.

Deputy Rector I of Unsrat Academic Field, Grevo Soleman Gerung, expressed a very high appreciation for the development of AMN and stressed the full support of the university.

“On the direction and guidance of the Buddhist Empire, then Unsrat Manado gives full support and support to the construction of the Manado AMN,” said Grevo Soleman Gerung.

In addition, AMN Manado will be a very important means in improving the quality of education as well as student skills, especially in those areas that are the main focus of the university.

“With the AMN, we hope that the students can perfect their skills to the maximum and are ready to compete in national and international competitions,” he added.

The development of AMN is a catalyst for improving the quality of education and training, especially for Unsrat. The government project can strengthen the role of universities in producing highly competitive and competitive graduates.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Prasarana Hall of Settlements of the Northern Sulawesi Territory (BPPW Sulut), Ir. Nurdiana Habibie explained that the construction of the Manado AMN with a land area of up to 20,000 square meters and a building area of 1595 square meter.

Thus, AMN in Manado is ready to be a container for the development of skills of young people in various fields.

“There is a tower for the dormitories of sons and daughters as well as a meeting building, a versatile room, a sports field, a park, road access and a parker area,” Nurdiana said.

Earlier, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), through the AMN Wakapokja Manado Idham Malik, mentioned that the land grant given to Pemprov Sulut for the construction of a hostel, is the largest area of some areas that have devoted land for construction of similar hostels.

“In Jakarta it is only 5,000 meters wide, in Surabaya it is 5000 meters, while in Yogyakarta it is just 4,000 meters. But AMN Manado is 5 hectares or the largest and largest for AMN development land,” said Malik.

The development of AMN is expected to provide considerable benefits for students and students who pursue higher education in the city of Manado and its surroundings, in developing academic knowledge and practical skills in various fields, especially farming, agriculture, and fishing.

The development of AMN in various regions of Indonesia, is a concrete step to create a young generation that is ready to compete in the world of work and make a positive contribution to the Society. [-red]

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