Sufferer of HIV/AID Increase

Sufferer of HIV/AID Increase

By: Fuad *)

Kalimantan Tengah – HIV/AID is one of dangerous viruses that attack human body. It infect from various way, one of them is sex.

Spreading the HIV/AID in Kotawaringin Barat (KOBAR) more increase. Based on Zero survey last October 2014, public health office/dinkes found new HIV/AID sufferer.

The survey did on kompleks (localization prostitution) of kalimati on Pasir Panjang district, kompleks Amin jaya on Pangkalan Banteng district and Kodok Interjection Km 12.

“The result can’t be show yet, but we found new sufferer,” said head of public health Kobar, drg Indrawan Sakti Mkes, like publish on Kalteng Pos, Thursday (4/12/2014).

Indrawan explained, the founding new sufferer added list of sufferer HIV/ AID in Kobar. It was because, from result of zero survey last April 2014, found 11 sufferers. The high number is on the kompleks Kalimati, Pasir Panjang.

“The new result of zero survey, we didn’t sure, was it from Kalimati or not. It was because, the sample was taken randomly,” explained him.

Meanwhile, asking about tackling HIV/AID, especially on 11 infection sufferers, then added the new sufferer. Indrawan said, now, sufferer wasn’t ready for go to hospital. Whereas, explained him, his side has effort to tease and given them explanation in order they can go to hospital Imanuddin Pangkalan Bun by their self for cure.

“So far, we still effort to tease them in order they want go for cure. It was because if there is no cure, it will more spread in the area. it become one of our worry,” said indrawan.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributors


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