The existence of Orang Utan in Central Kalimantan Province is faced to extinct

Orang utan’s slaughter

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Yayasan BOS Nyaru Menteng noted there are about 480 orangutans being rehabilitated by his side and dozens of orangutans were killed in Central Kalimantan Province. This proves that the primates protected by this law are threatened and even extinctions can happen at any time.

The amount does not include died orangutans because of acute respiratory infections (ISPA) the occurrence of forest and land fires, said Public relation of BOS Nyaru Menteng Foundation Monterado Fridman, as quoted in Antara.

“While those released from 2015-2017 are only about 280 orangutans. These data and facts show that orangutans are highly endangered,” he added.

Some of the factors that allegedly caused the murder case of orangutans are still lacking of various parties to the orangutan extinction and also the action against the perpetrators of this killer also impressed.

Public Relations BOS Nyaru Menteng is also expecting cases of orangutan murder, should be a spur of the spirit to jointly maintain the preservation of the orang utan. Moreover, Law No. 5 of 1990 on Biodiversity and Ecosystem explicitly and clearly states that orangutans are wild animals rather than pets. He said the status of the Orangutan is a State Property, so the role of the Government, both the Central and the Region as the Representative of the State, is badly needed by adding safe forest areas to serve as orangutan release sites.

Acute Respiratory Infections (ISPA)Orang utan’s slaughterThe existence of Orang UtanYayasan BOS Nyaru Menteng