Unite for “war” to Drugs

drugsBy: Amal Syaifuddin)*

Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Komjen Budi Waseso confirmed to his staff to not hesitate vigorous action against the city, drug dealers and other businesses, including users. Not only that, but Budi Waseso also threatened to shoot down drug dealers and traitors in the institution he leads if convicted of treason by being involved in the drug business.

After inaugurating Task Force (Task Force) Eradication Prevention of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drugs (P4GN) Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra), Budi Waseso provides direction to a firing dealers, continuing drug, and traitors in the BNN.

Decisive action in the form of a firing, said Buwas, is necessary because the current drug businesses already insanely in marketing the drug in Indonesia. Therefore, as the head of BNN, he should follow what is desired drug.

According Blooded, to combat illicit trafficking business, in the future all lines as well as agencies and communities must work in synergy. For TNI I think the war is said can be interpreted let us together to clean these drugs for the sake of future generation.

Based on data BNN North Sumatra province, 20 percent of which has been revealed and 80 percent are still outstanding. There are findings of 50,000 ecstasy pills and colored candy doll. Drug distribution in North Sumatra is increasing every year, especially before the New Year holidays. He hoped the Task Force P4GN may involve relevant agencies to prevent and clean up the drug in their respective areas.

Post-event inauguration P4GN Task Force North Sumatra, North Sumatra Governor Tengku Erry Nuradi inducted as a builder P4GN Task Force North Sumatra said the drugs make us lose a lot of the next generation then the presence of the Task Force was very positive. Therefore, to fight drugs is not enough to just BNN and the police, but all elements must participate.

Meanwhile, the head of the National Narcotics Agency Province (BNNP) of North Sumatra Brigjen Pol Andi Loedianto said Deliserdang is prone to drug distribution. Based on the data obtained, North Sumatra has become a regional business transaction.

Observing the development of a drug that is a serious concern all elements of society, the government and security forces, it should we as a society are aware of the dangers of drugs for Indonesian youths who can have an impact on the future of our country. Prevention of trafficking and drug abuse can begin at the family level through the supervision of parents of the association will be, so it takes an active role in caring parents to keep their children in order to avoid the dangers and snares of drugs.

drugsEradication Prevention of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drugs (P4GN)the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)the National Narcotics Agency Province (BNNP)war to drugs
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