Watch out! Pinalties meshes the Giver and Recipient of Money Politics

By: Dede August )*

Second simultaneously elections phase which will involve at least 101 areas of seven provinces, 18 cities, and 76 counties is getting closer, even today some pre candidates had registered himself at the General Elections Comissions (KPU) to become a candidate for the chief of a region. In previous experiences, the election process is often colored by bribery or money politics to gain comunities support. However, for the 2017 elections, do not try to give or receive money to influence the voter’s choice, because both would get a punishment.

In the last simultaneously elections on December 9, 2015, the bribery cases, money politics, or the dawn attack, is still very prevalent. From 264 districts which joined in Simultaneously Elections on December 9, 2015, Commissioner Elections Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) found the practice of money politics in at least 29 districts / cities.

In fact, the election of heads of regional (elections) simultaneously in 2015 in eight districts in the province of North Maluku (Malut) rated highly loaded money politics. The proof, there were 79 reports received by the Bawaslu of Malut after the election. Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body Malut at that time, Sultan Alwan said in amount 79 reports of alleged election violations was submitted simultaneously Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) districts of the city. “The report was allegedly money politics,” said Sultan, Sunday, December 13, 2015.

In response to the problem of money politics, the government finally make a change in the rules of the election. In Article 187 A of paragraph (1) of Law No. 10 of 2016 expressly state that any person who willfully acted against the law promises or give money or other materials as compensation to Indonesian citizens, either directly or indirectly to influence voters to do not use the right to vote, to vote in a certain way so that the sound becomes invalid, choose a particular candidate, or do not choose certain candidates as meant in Article 73 paragraph (4) shall be punished with imprisonment of minimum 36 months and maximum 72 months and fined at least Rp200 million and Rp1 billion.

The regulation is given to those who try to give money or anything to prospective voters with specific intent. Formerly, the punishment is only given to the giver, but now the receiver will get punishment. In clauses 187 A paragraph (2) explained that the same pinalties applied to voters who intentionally committed an unlawful act receive gifts or promise as referred to in paragraph (1).

Thus it is clear! Do not try to give or receive money or anything intended for a specific interest in the implementation of the 2017 elections if we do not want to deal with the law. Be a leader and voters who are honest, clean, and smart. Success Simultaneously Elections, on February 15, 2017.

Commissioner Elections Supervisory Board (Bawaslu)General Elections Comissions (KPU)Money PoliticsPinalties
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