Diversity as a Social Capital of the Nation

CIDISS. Lately discourse on diversity has become an interesting study to discuss. The reason, even though we have agreed to become a nation that Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, but there are still radical groups who are suing the agreement and want to replace with a system of caliphate is full of debate. In fact, the irony of diversity is used as an arena of inter-citizens and inter-religious rams. Therefore, the understanding of the meaning of diversity becomes important in maintaining the integrity of the Indonesian nation.

Bhinneka Tuggal Ika is actually a slogan in Sanskrit of Mpu Tantular. As the owner of the motto, he has firmly declared that each truth has its own way. “Split that split, but that one too. There is no ambiguity in the truth “.

From this it is clear that the essence of diversity is one. That is in the differences do not recognize the concept of the majority and minority. In difference, only known is the feeling of mutual love and respect. Because, different is not a mistake, but different is God’s great grace in building synergy and human solidarity

However, it must be understood that the issue of diversity that has been echoed recently has been reduced to the sole purpose of protecting the rights of minorities without respecting the rights of the majority. Usually, one-sided claims about diversity are the easiest way to associate with them. But the hard part is proving it to the attitude and behavior in real life. Unqualified diversity is not due to unilateral claims but because of an honest, open, responsible, and impartial attitude to the truth and sense of community justice.

In this case, there are three social capital of the nation that can be a contributing thing to it (Sohibul Iman, 2016). First, Sense of Belonging is a sense of belonging as a nation. All must feel have NKRI, do not have that do not feel have. On the other hand, never claim that he is the only legitimate heir of this republic. Diversity is reflected when majority groups are able to protect minorities, while at the same time minorities can also position themselves and respect the majority. A sense of belonging among fellow-children of the nation will foster synergy and harmony, because we believe that the attitude and actions of every child of the nation is guided by a sense of belongingness over this nation.

Second, Sense of Togetherness is a sense of togetherness as fellow children of the nation who are both in love with his homeland. This nation is very diverse. This nation consists of tens of thousands of islands, hundreds of regional languages, thousands of tribes, some religions and beliefs. Not even just plural, but also fragmented and segmented.

It is a Sunnatullah that to build this nation must be by growing a sense of togetherness and mutual cooperation or mutual cooperation. We cannot build this Republic alone involving only certain groups and groups without help and cooperation with other elements of the nation. This nation was born and can continue to grow to date because of a sense of togetherness that continues to be established.

Finally, Trustworthiness is mutual trust among all components of the nation. At the level of ideas we must trust each other that all Indonesians have good intentions for their nation in their own way. However, at the level of action we must prove it by looking at the behavior and behavior of whether the good intentions really demonstrated in the life of nation and state. If proven to have malicious intent, then all shall prevent and stop it.

If Kebhinnekaan closely held with these three social capital, will undoubtedly create a peaceful and unbreakable Indonesia, and cooperate to welcome Indonesia forward and civilized.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

Bhinneka Tunggal IkaDiversityprotecting the rights of minoritiesSocial Capital of the Nationthe differences
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