Manado – The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is believed to be able to become a center for strengthening national identity. The selection process for Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) takes into account national insight and diversity.
This was said by the Head of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture’s Higher Education Financing Center, Anton Rahmadi.
“Based on the results of the meeting with the AMN Working Group of the State Intelligence Agency [BIN], the things that need to be prioritized are related to the National Insight of the Republic of Indonesia and Diversity,” said Anton.
The aim is for students from various regions in Indonesia to get to know and appreciate each other’s culture and maintain harmony and cohesiveness.
On various occasions, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) continues to say that Indonesia is a big country so diversity is the strength of this nation.
“We are a big country and a big nation, Indonesia’s diversity will be a strength and not a weakness if we can be harmonious and united, the most important thing is to know each other,” stressed Jokowi.
For your information, the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Human Settlements has the task of building AMN which is based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 106 of 2021 concerning Indonesian Student Dormitory.
AMN was established with the aim of building a sense of love for the nation and state among students from various universities throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, preparing human resources of quality, integrity and national character.
Previously, AMN was also present in Surabaya, which was inaugurated by President Jokowi in November 2022. AMN students have achieved many achievements.
According to President Jokowi, at the inauguration of AMN in Surabaya, with AMN, students from all over Indonesia could get to know each other and learn about the culture of each region.
“This is the aim of the Indonesian student dormitory, apart from of course the students being given scholarships, but the most important thing is that we can get to know each other,” said the President. [-ed]