Badah Sari : Public Figure who Care to Education in Central Kalimantan Province

Badah Sari achieved reward The Prominent Figure of Indonesian Development Award as Public Figure who Care to Education in Central Kalimantan Province.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Certification is one of the ways by government to increase the quality of Indonesian worker. Through certification, hoping worker can work professionally. Besides that, worker can also accelerate their region through their field of work, such teacher, tailor, etc.

Then, through certification, everyone can work professionally in their work. Anugerah Prestasi Insani foundation is foundation that giving award to public figure who work professional and care to their region, also development.

Recently, Badah Sari, the head of Senior High School 1 Palangka Raya, achieved reward as Public Figure who Care to Education in Central Kalimantan Province by Anugerah Prestasi Insani foundation.

The reward of The Prominent Figure of Indonesian Development Award is given to her on last Saturday, 11 June, in Jakarta.

Anugerah Prestasi Insani Foundation has criteria to decide people in achieving the reward. Badah Sari is given reward as Public Figure who Care to Education in Central Kalimantan Province because of his work and action as educator.

Not all people can achieve the reward; moreover, by the reward can motivate other else to work professional.

Central Kalimantan ProvinceeducationIndonesian workerThe Prominent Figure of Indonesian Development Award
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