Call for Peace Post-Election 2019

By: Yasin) *

The 2019 election has left various stories recorded in various media, on social media and even netizens who do not have a political base also often throw bullying and often share news that is not yet valid.

During the 2019 Presidential Election, even before Lebaran, content hate speeches and hoaxes still existed in various timelines, not infrequently the scorn between supporters of the candidate pairs also made the political atmosphere more nationally murky.

The noise on social media also showed the immaturity of the political elites who did not accept it because their champions did not excel in quick count until the official announcement by the KPU on May 21.

In the atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr, of course the peace between the camps that had been hostile had to be sought and campaigned for, for a long time Indonesia had a culture of tolerance that had to be continuously exhaled in accordance with the diverse motto of Ika.

Political elites, sympathizers and the community should agree to create a conducive situation post-election simultaneously for the realization of a peaceful, dignified and democratic Indonesia.

Exclamation of Peace
The call for peace was carried out by Cirebon Sultan of XIV Arief Natadiningrat who called for peace after the 2019 election. Because, basically Cirebon people love peace, so that the good that has been built in the midst of plurality for hundreds of years should not be damaged due to different choices.

“Whoever wins is God’s destiny. Although what we support does not win, it must be accepted gracefully, “he said
He also called on all elements of society and party elites to reunite and unite. Competition is natural as long as it is in the right corridor and does not harm other people, especially we live in an environment that is close together.

In addition, he also said that the action was supportive – supporting and different choices was only once in five years. For this reason, the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in Cirebon must continue to be maintained, especially after the 2019 presidential election.
In the province of Yogyakarta, Academics and lecturers of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) call for a message of peace and unity for all the political elites and people of Indonesia. This appeal was issued to dampen the atmosphere after a demonstration of anarchy that occurred in Jakarta on May 21-22, 2019.

The call for peace was based on the concern of UGM lecturers and academics for the violence that occurred in Jakarta after the 2019 Election announcement in Jakarta. Though differences in the choice of political preferences are natural.

“We UGM lecturers are calling on the parties, both political elites and the public, to put forward the unity and unity of Indonesia,” said UGM Rector Panut Mulyono in Yogyakarta.

Panut explained that this was inseparable from the tension between elements of the community that had been built even since the period before the campaign.

The appeal is certainly a support for political elites so that they are not trapped in mere political ego, with the end of the election, of course, it must be a starting line for all people to be able to maintain peace in this country. Because maintaining peace is part of the noble values ​​that exist in Pancasila as the nation’s philosophy and ideology.

Elections should be a democratic process to strengthen the legitimacy of the Indonesian people. Not using the election to prioritize the interests of a person or group of people who can break down unity, but must prioritize the interests of the nation.

The community must also see the party of democracy as an effort to strengthen and care for brotherhood in accordance with Pancasila democracy. Which is a country that is democratic, diverse and upholds national unity.

In the context of the constellation, people will be divided, all will participate in the spirit of competing to win their champions.
But that is over, the moment of post-election Ramadan and Eid should have brought a better political atmosphere and no more provocations that could damage national unity.

Differences are natural, but after the 2019 election is over, all must return to the embrace of Mother Earth, all must return to work in their fields, a sense of kinship that had been torn apart must be knit back to maintain and strengthen the unity of the Indonesian nation.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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