Four Isolated villages in Montallat

Montallat is a town in North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Even surrounded by 10 large companies private impart its investments of trillions of rupiah, but four villages in Montallat Subdistrict, Regency North Barito (Barut) still isolated by land line.

The villages are village Rubei, Ruji, Paring Lahung and the village of Tawan Jaya. Communities only use waterways. Moreover, State Electrical Company has not made any electrical line to four villages. People only use the Genset (generator) as a source of electricity, unfortunately, for those who can afford.

Head of Montallat district, Ghazzali M regrets with 10 companies operating. Whereas companies in district that has an obligation help build villages around with social responsibility funds use corporate environment (TSLP) based on Perda 3/2015.

“By the regulation stating the company is obliged to allocate funds 3% of its profits to build villages around the site of the company should be carried out,” said Ghazzali.

Especially the villages are in the ring one or villages around the company i.e. Ruji, Paring Lahung and Rubei. Translucent road is expected to land in addition to access to the community as well as the acceleration of development in the village.

Residents around the site to access the street expected and translucent will be made already grant land. They will not demand compensation. Affidavit of grant and SKT also land handed over to the Government.

Central KalimantanMontallatNorth Barito
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