Millennials Are Not Afraid to Choose and Join Against Hoax and Refuse Abstention for the Success of the 2019 Election

Millennials Are Not Afraid to Choose and Join Against Hoax and Refuse Abstention for the Success of the 2019 Election

By: Windy Ananta *

Today we have entered a modern age where digital technology has played a big role in the progress of civilization in Indonesia. Technological developments make the young generation of Indonesia or millennial generation can not be separated from the name of the gadget in daily activities. The development of this technology certainly has a positive side, although it cannot be denied that there is a negative side that is also caused. One of the negative sides of this technological development is the widespread spread of hoaxes in cyberspace. Especially in 2019, where Indonesia is entering a political year.

The increasingly heated political climate approaching the voting day gave rise to irresponsible individuals who deliberately spread hoaxes to reach certain goals. Hoaks that are sent in general are only in the form of ugliness from one of the political pairs that they do not support. Deliberately the hoax spreaders sell lies so that their chosen partner wins. This false news can be easily found on social media and accessed by anyone, so it is very threatening to the spirit of democracy and the unity of our country so that it can frustrate the success of the ongoing national development that is being intensively and intensively carried out.

Indonesian millennials and social media users certainly cannot let hoax news easily spread in cyberspace. Because the future of Indonesia is in our hands. Hoaks that are widespread without being able to be controlled will affect the course of the 2019 Election. Instead of creating a successful election, chaos in the community can arise because provoked hoaxes and provocation of Golput’s invitation even intimidation so that someone is afraid to choose his choice. Thus the ideals of continuing national leadership and the continued development of Indonesia’s progress will be difficult to materialize.

As a millennial generation that is a smart voter, we should take part in fighting hoax news. Millennials need to be an example for the community that the democratic process must be respected and valued through non-abstentions and using their voting rights intelligently and ready to fight all forms of hoaxes and intimidation. The millennial generation is not afraid to make choices based on common sense and intelligence to prevent this nation from being led by people who are wrong with politicians who only think of their own interests or groups and do not work hard but only enrich themselves.

The success of the general election will make Indonesia’s leadership sustainability program run smoothly. But this success does not come by itself. There needs to be contributions from all parties who are equally trying to make it happen. Because this nation really needs the certainty of the sustainability of national development for Indonesia which is more advanced in the future.

Therefore, as the millennial generation of the Medos era and as a good Indonesian citizen we must unite against hoax news to create a healthy climate for the 2019 Election. Let us pray and work for a more advanced Indonesia by disseminating positive content in Medos which aims to foster optimism and pride in the nation and to be a land of water. In welcoming the 2019 Election democratic party, be smart voters who participate fearlessly and without Golput for the sake of Indonesia’s progress.

*) Jayabaya University Alumni

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