National Unity After the 2019 Election Is Absolute Needed for Progress in Development in Indonesia

Author: Aziz Kormala (Manado Netizen)

The independence gained by Indonesia is not a gift but the result of the sacrificial struggle made by the nation’s fighters with one another.

 The implementation of the current development will be realized if it is supported by the entire community and united with the government. Acceleration of development can only be achieved if the community is optimistic and harmony is maintained and well maintained and even continues to increase through harmonization in people’s lives.

It can be said that harmony and the spirit of unity are the assets of the Indonesian people, especially in interpreting the independence achieved with blood flow and tears of even the sacrifice of the souls of the nation’s warriors for the advancement of the Indonesian people. However, in this 2019 Election title we see that the spirit of unity and unity that we always glorify seems to disappear.

We often find arguments in cyberspace and the real world simply because of differences in political views supported.

 The noise they make often makes us feel anxious and raises the thoughts in our minds that this country is already on the verge of collapse. We regret that the unity that we glorified disappeared only because of a democratic party once in five years. This is in addition to the news of hoaxes and the existence of pllitisation. SARA is also due to the immaturity of politicians who have the heart to provoke just because they want to win. Even though the problems in this country are still crowded and piled up besides political matters.

This nation still has many problems and common enemies that must be dealt with before this nation is on the verge of extinction and leaves only names and stories. The enemies are not only concrete, but also abstract, for example, poverty, unemployment, injustice that must be overcome and propaganda propaganda of foreigners who want to see Indonesia destroyed.

It can be said that overall national development for the welfare of all Indonesian people needs to be the focus of attention not only from the government, but also from the lower elements of Indonesian society. Support from all components of the nation is needed.
The people must give support and supervision to the government so that they focus more on addressing the problems that exist in society. The government must continue to minimize the imbalance between development in the western and eastern regions of Indonesia, because each region has its own strengths that need to be dealt with specifically, sustainably and prioritize equity.

It is impossible for development to succeed if there is no unity within the community itself. Though the unity and unity of the nation is at the core of the progress or retreat of a nation. This is evident from the struggle of Indonesian independence leaders who have shared aspirations to become an independent, sovereign, united, just and prosperous nation.

In the days before Indonesian independence, they united and removed their egos for the sake of the independence and interests of the Indonesian people. They are willing to forget their status, ethnicity, and religion in order to realize the independence they have long dreamed of. Their struggle gives us an example that any desire will be able to materialize if all elements of society are able to unite.

Here we can draw a definite conclusion that national unity after the 2019 Election is very much needed for the progress of development in Indonesia. Let us reinforce the nation’s unity for the success of Indonesia’s sustainable development. Let’s support the results of the election by putting forward the unity towards the progress of the nation.

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