Unite the Determination Against Hoaxes and Abstentions, For the Sustainability of Indonesian Development

By: Andri Hermawan *

The development of information technology seems to be something that was considered impossible in the past. Fast and unlimited access by distance dimensions is commonplace. This has a positive impact on the development of human civilization. Various facilities have improved living standards, especially in the socio-economic field.

However, behind this progress there were also negative impacts. Very open possibility of being misused by irresponsible parties. Both for economic, political motives, and even causing chaos that leads to horizontal and vertical conflicts between community groups.

That is what happened before the implementation of the 2019 Election. Fake news was so frightening that it filled the crowded public media space. The barrier between right and wrong on social media is difficult to distinguish. Even wrong is right, right becomes wrong, or even mixed.

Given the importance of a democratic party that will be held in the near future, it needs strong synergy and intention from all parties. To convince yourself that hoaxes are common enemies. Do not do news dissemination without confirming the truth first.

Therefore, as dignified citizens we must participate in reducing the news of hoaxes that spread in cyberspace. If we are able to distinguish intelligently between original and false news, then we have participated to build Indonesia towards a more advanced and good direction.

Reducing hoax news aims to create a 2019 election that is peaceful, dignified and qualified. In order not to tarnish the values ​​of democracy in Indonesia and the sustainability of the national leadership to run better as we hoped.

For the sake of the success of the 2019 election, let’s unite to reduce hoaxes !! Use voting rights intelligently and do not abstain and let us succeed in the sustainability of national leadership to ensure the sustainability of national development.

Safe, peaceful and democratic elections are useful for the progress of the nation. Because the fate of the nation is determined in elections. National development should not be hampered by the spread of false news by irresponsible parties. In order for Indonesia to be a feared and respected major country, reform and national development must be carried out on an ongoing basis.

Therefore, let’s round up the determination of the hoax and not be afraid to vote in order to continue Indonesia’s sustainable development for the sake of an increasingly advanced Indonesia.

*) Bloggers from Purwakarta

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