By: Dhita Karuniawati )*
The government of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka has shown extraordinary seriousness in eradicating corruption since the first day of office. In his inaugural speech, President Prabowo firmly emphasized the importance of firmness in dealing with corruption, collusion, and other irregularities in government. This determination is manifested through concrete steps that are appreciated by various groups in society, creating new hopes in efforts to create a clean and integrated government.
The first three months of this government have shown significant results. Based on a survey by Litbang Kompas in January 2025, the level of public satisfaction with the performance of the legal sector increased sharply to 72.1 percent. This figure is up 14.7 percent compared to the survey in June 2024, marking a positive change felt by the public. President Prabowo’s commitment to eradicating corruption is also reflected in the various policies and actions taken to improve the legal system and bureaucracy, in accordance with the seventh point of Astacita which is the guideline for his leadership.
One of the most striking concrete steps is the disclosure of a number of major corruption cases that were previously considered difficult to uncover. The determination of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto as a suspect in the Harun Masiku case is clear evidence that corruption eradication in the Prabowo era is indiscriminate. This case has been dormant for four years without resolution, but the new government has succeeded in encouraging the KPK to show its teeth again.
This commitment is also reflected in the vision of eradicating corruption which is summarized in three approaches: action, prevention, and community involvement. In the field of prevention, President Prabowo has initiated the digitalization of the government system to reduce the potential for collusion and budget leaks. The exemplary behavior of leaders is also one of the main focuses to ensure that integrity is a primary value at every level of government. On the enforcement side, harsh punishments, including impoverishment of corruptors, are emphasized as an effort to provide a deterrent effect. In addition, people from various levels, from clerics to students, are invited to actively play a role in monitoring and reporting criminal acts of corruption.
Former KPK Investigator Yudi Purnomo Harahap expressed optimism about the improvement of Indonesia’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) under the Prabowo administration. The target CPI score of 45 is a realistic goal if efforts to eradicate corruption are carried out consistently. For the record, Indonesia’s previous highest CPI record was 40 in 2019, showing the potential for major improvements that can be achieved through the revolutionary steps that have been initiated.
This government’s efforts have also created great momentum for law enforcement agencies such as the KPK to improve their image. Criticism that the KPK was less than optimal in the previous period was answered through bold steps in investigating major cases. If this success continues, the KPK will not only restore public trust but also remove the negative stigma against law enforcement in Indonesia.
Public support for President Prabowo’s policies is also very strong, reflecting great expectations for this government to uncover more corruption cases, especially those involving political and government elites. Synergy between the government and the community is the key to the success of the corruption eradication agenda. In addition, the deterrent effect resulting from strict action against perpetrators of corruption is expected to be able to reduce the number of new cases.
These steps to eradicate corruption are one of the early achievements of the Prabowo-Gibran government which have received widespread appreciation. By continuing to strengthen bureaucratic, legal, and supervisory system reforms, the hope of creating a clean and transparent government is increasingly real. Increasing public trust in the government is a major capital to continue other development agendas which also require a solid government foundation that is free from corruption.
Not only that, the Prabowo government continues to encourage public involvement in supervision and strengthen synergy between legal institutions. This step is expected to provide a deterrent effect and lead Indonesia towards a clean and integrated government.
On the other hand, the community can play a role in various ways, such as reporting suspicious actions, rejecting bribery practices in everyday life, and supporting anti-corruption policies implemented by the government. In addition, awareness of the importance of integrity must be instilled from an early age, both through formal and social education.
In today’s digital era, the public has wide access to participate in monitoring public policies through social media and official complaint platforms. With open information, the public canbecome the eyes and ears in detecting indications of corruption in the surrounding environment.
A joint commitment between the government and the people is very important in creating a strong anti-corruption culture. With public awareness and courage to act, it is hoped that corruption can be suppressed, so that a clean, integrated, and trustworthy government is created.
The 100 days of the Prabowo-Gibran government show that the government only makes promises, but also real evidence of their commitment to eradicating corruption. With strong support from all elements of society, this government has a great opportunity to change the face of law enforcement and create a more just and integrated Indonesia. In the long term, these steps will be an important legacy for future generations in an effort to build a nation free from corruption.
)* Contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute