The public is asked to always maintain a conducive situation ahead of the Election Dispute Decision Hearing at the Constitutional Court (MK), including the spread of radicalism and terrorism. 

As is known, the spread of radical ideology is still a threat to national unity. Regarding this, the Head of P3A of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) STDN Makassar Commissariat, Muhammad Riswan assessed that the younger generation should be wary of the spread of radical content.

“Indonesia’s young generation needs to increase awareness of issues of intolerance, radicalism and terrorism. “As future leaders of the nation, the younger generation should not experience disorientation towards their nation,” he explained.

Riswan continues his efforts to prevent radicalism, one of which is by wisely using social media. 

“Considering that currently there is a lot of misinformation circulating on social media, it is important to be able to choose the right reference in accessing information so as not to be provoked,” he said.

Apart from being wise in using social media, efforts to prevent and overcome terrorism can also be carried out through increasing religious, national and socio-political insight.

Separately, the Head of Cadreization for the Makassar City Branch of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PC PMII), Ramli Ardiansah, assessed that the younger generation is easily exposed to radical content. 

“Radicalism is still being spread and consumed by society and the youth generation,” he said

“We need to know and we need to realize that with the development of the current era of digitalization, it is making it easier for the youth generation and the community to access information related to radicalism itself,” he continued. 

Ramli views that the spread of radical content is often embellished by heroic narratives that can only be changed by the younger generation. 

“Today’s youth generation is attracted to the ethos of fighting against corruption, which then causes the spread of radicalism, which is the main suggestion for the youth generation,” he said.

The head of cadre formation for the Makassar City branch of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement invited the younger generation not to be easily provoked by the spread of radical content.

“Instill our spirit of nationalism and love for the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. “Strengthen moderate, tolerant and open religious views,” he concluded. 

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