Alert and Quick to Respond, Joint Security Forces Respond to the KST Papua Attack in Beoga

Security forces from the joint forces of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) swiftly and very quickly responded to the attack carried out by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) in Beoga.

It is known that KST Papua launched another attack in Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua on Friday 16 February 2024. The savagery of the Bumi Cenderawasih separatist gang this time targeted the Asia One Air PK-LTF aircraft.

Fortunately, the presence of security forces from joint TNI and Polri personnel who were at the location at that time were able to immediately respond to the attack, and the officers even fired shots at the terrorist group.

Regarding this matter, the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Papua Regional Police (Polda), Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo stated that the shots fired by the security forces were a form of legal action against KST who first shot at the plane. .

Furthermore, it is also known that this time the separatist group’s attack did not cause any casualties at all, because their shots only hit the right rear fuselage of the plane and penetrated the rear door of the plane.

Because until now the joint security forces continue to carry out the investigation process, the entire community is advised to remain calm and not be easily provoked by various issues that could cause panic so that the situation and conditions remain safe and peaceful.

The quick and swift action taken by the joint forces security forces in carrying out a search immediately when they found out that the plane had been shot down is proof that they continue to be tireless in maintaining the security of all Indonesian people, including in Papua, from all threats even though lives are at stake.

Investigations into this incident continue to be carried out with good coordination between the Head of OBU Region

Meanwhile, the Head of the Papua Regional Police (Kapolda), Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Mathius D Fakhiri added that the Asian One PK-LTF plane which was about to land at Milawak Beoga Airport was shot at by KST Papua from the right of the plane. and they were in Ambobra Village down to Julukoma Village, Beoga District.

It turned out that this incident was not at all an act of security disturbance which is usually carried out by KST Papua, but it turned out to be related to the process of holding the 2024 Legislative General Election (Pileg).

The attack carried out by the Bumi Cenderawasih separatist gang this time was related to how the legislative election votes were obtained. Even so, the security forces confirmed that the shooting was not for anything else, but was only part of KST Papua’s efforts to disrupt the ongoing election process there.

How could it not be, the reason is that the noken system method which is still used in a number of jurisdictions of the Papua Regional Police has so far always raised problems related to security, as has what happened in Beoga recently because it was a follow-up to the results of the voting carried out in the area. that’s it.

There are several relatives of the Legislative Candidates in question, whose families happen to have weapons in their possession, so they continue to try to disrupt the course of the election process itself.

Regarding the current conditions after the shooting by KST Papua, the Director General (Dirjen) of Air Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub), M. Kristi Endah Murni, revealed that the entire crew from the pilot to the passengers were confirmed to be safe.

Despite being shot at, the plane managed to land normally and all the nine people on board were safe. However, due to a shooting incident, the cargo pod section D area on the right side of the plane had a gunshot hole that penetrated all the way to the floor of the plane.

For the chronology of the shooting itself, the PK-LTF aircraft was making its second flight from Timika to Beoga at 23:59 UTC or 08:59 WIT. When the plane was in its final position before landing, or to be precise at an altitude of approximately 300 feet towards the runway, suddenly shots were heard from behind the plane. Then the plane managed to land normally in Beoga District at 00:53 UTC or 09:53 WIT.

The immediate retaliatory attack carried out by the joint security forces in response to the shooting attack on the Asia One Air plane by KST Papua in order to take firm action against the separatist gang deserves to be highly appreciated because the authorities moved very swiftly and responded quickly, thereby minimizing the risk of unwanted incidents. other.

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