AMANAH Facilitates Youth Creativity and Innovation to Encourage Career Opportunities

By : Cut Meyriska )*

The Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH) provides complete and modern facilities to support the increase in creativity and innovation of young people in order to encourage their future career opportunities.

Of course, with an increase in aspects of creativity and innovation, it is not impossible that this will open up future career prospects or opportunities for young people even wider.

So creating aspects of creativity and innovation among young people is very important, but unfortunately there are still not many parties who are able to provide the right facilities and platforms. For this reason, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the initiation of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) then presented AMANAH.

The government’s strategic flagship program in terms of community empowerment, especially young people, continues to organize activities or events that bring many positive benefits.

Recently, Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) collaborated with the Kanot Bu Community to hold a visual arts exhibition entitled ‘AMANAH HOPE 2024 Exhibition’ which took place at the Aceh Tsunami Museum.

The exhibition theme chosen, namely ‘Hope’, aims to depict the hope and optimism of all young people from Aceh for the future of their region. According to one of the judges from the Acehrakitan Arts Laboratory, Iskandar bin Ishak, the event was able to increase the self-confidence of the younger generation, especially in the field of art.

Not only does it increase young people’s self-confidence, but at the same time AMANAH also provides a forum or platform for young people to be able to display the various works they have.

Apart from that, the exhibition also encourages increased creativity and innovation, and is able to open up new career opportunities for the younger generation, especially in the field of visual arts.

Meanwhile, Ria Agustini (31) as one of the winners in the exhibition expressed her very high gratitude and appreciation for AMANAH. According to him, this activity is able to provide inspiration for the younger generation to become more involved in their local arts and culture.

Not only that, but this event is also able to increase awareness and make local young people increasingly appreciate and know more about the local values ​​in the area nicknamed Negeri Rencong.

The various events or activities that AMANAH carries out always have a very positive impact and continue to generate extraordinary acceptance and enthusiasm from the community.

AMANAH continues to succeed in becoming a forum for Acehnese youth to express themselves as authentically as possible, including expressing feelings and views through extraordinary work.

This encouragement is something very important because it fully supports the personal and social development of local young people. So the existence of this magnificent building brings a breath of fresh air to the nation’s next generation.

Therefore, the implementation of AMANAH HOPE 2024 itself is a real symbol of the rise of hope and new enthusiasm for the young people of Aceh in achieving a much brighter future.

Regarding the government’s efforts to continue to encourage future career opportunities for young people, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said that the government continues to open the door for collaboration with the private sector in this industry.

In the creative industry itself, there are at least 3 sectors that need a lot of help, namely training, marketing and capital. Meanwhile, AMANAH’s position is in training and marketing efforts.

With the existence of the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH), it should be able to present creativity and innovation in advancing the regional economy which will also have an impact on national economic progress.

This program is guided and initiated by the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan continues to provide increased expertise (skills), knowledge and marketing in improving the creative economy business sector so that he can also improve the class of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) involved and under AMANAH’s guidance.

There are various subsectors that continue to experience guidance to improve, such as culinary, crafts, fashion, and so on. Through this strategic flagship program, of course, it is an effort and at the same time a very strong commitment from the government to make the creative economy, especially MSME players, able to move up in class and further encourage the acceleration of economic growth to open up as many job opportunities as possible.

Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) provides very complete and modern facilities for the development of creativity and innovation for all young people to encourage wide career opportunities for them.

*) Acehnese students live in Bandung

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