Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or Aceh Excellent and Great Aneuk Youth Building Center (AMANAH) continues to provide opportunities for young people to learn how to optimize business digitally.
Having the ability to optimize business digitally is clearly a very important skill, especially nowadays, because currently all aspects depend on technology and digitalization, including economic activities.
Therefore, when these young people have firmly mastered how to optimize digital business well, it is not impossible that these young people will be able to lead or become the pillars of the economic sector in their region. All of this is of course thanks to the existence of AMANAH.
To date, the progress of the construction of the AMANAH Building continues to record positive things, namely that it has now reached 70 percent with a completion target in July. Currently, the team has finished work on the construction and structure of the building.
There are 9 areas that have undergone development and are already standing, namely the multi-function building, main building, men’s and women’s dormitories, prayer room, greenhouse building, distillery, ground water tank and generator house.
The Acting Regent of Aceh Besar, Muhammad Iswanto, hopes that with the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great Central Building, the entire young generation there will receive a lot of training to further increase their independence, competence and professionalism.
Thus, when young people are trained to be independent, improve their competence and professionalism from as early as possible, it is not impossible that they will be able to become successful entrepreneurs or young entrepreneurs .
In the future, the nation’s next generation of young people will also know how to manage and market products digitally, including taking advantage of technological developments in developing their businesses.
There are several fields of young people that will continue to receive improvement and development through AMANAH, namely the creative fields, research and technology, entrepreneurship, creative industries, education, literacy, culture and language.
Teaching of digital marketing and entrepreneurship also occurs in Patchouli training at the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) of Syiah Kuala University (USK). The training includes some valuable material.
USK economics lecturer, Iskandarsyah Madjid said that it is very important to have the ability to sell in the digital era like now. Hence, in-depth insights into digital marketing strategies.
Because, even though they have a very good product, it won’t sell if they don’t have the ability to sell it. Moreover, nowadays technology is increasingly advanced, so it definitely requires young people to immediately master digital marketing.
When they become proficient in selling or doing business in the digital world, it will clearly make their market wider, more efficient and also enable more people to know about the products they have.
Another important thing in digital business according to the CEO of PT. Biona Ceudah Rupa, Adinda Gusti Vonna that pricing strategies and product quality control, as well as knowing where market segmentation lies are the keys to business success.
When the price is set appropriately, it will automatically form a target market. Then, if business people already know who their target market is, it will be much easier for them to determine how to market their products so they can reach consumers.
Understanding digital marketing can clearly make a big contribution in equipping young people with essential knowledge and skills to achieve success in the business world.
Apart from that, there is also an activity taking place on July 3 2024 at the MIPA Hall of Syiah Kuala University (USK) Banda Aceh City regarding Business Class Mentoring. Young people receive education to thoroughly understand business matters from mentors who are very competent in their fields.
Various things were discussed, especially how to develop and optimize digital business, such as scaling up with good product branding so that it further boosts transactions in the ongoing business.
Not only that, AMANAH also provides training to young people on how to create the right content, so that their business in the digital world can attract a lot of attention from potential consumers. Furthermore, there is also a discussion about how to implement packaging that is attractive to customers and also effective marketing strategies.
AMANAH continues to open opportunities very widely, especially to all young people so that they can continue to learn in various fields, for the sake of regional economic independence. This also includes continuing to maintain relevance to today’s times, such as training in digital business optimization.