AMANAH Optimally Develops Interests and Talents among Santri Students

 By : Ramzi Harli )*

The Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program is very optimal in its efforts to develop the interests and talents of students in the area nicknamed Tanah Rencong.

In fact, the entire young generation in Aceh, including those from the Islamic boarding school community, have interests and hidden talents as well as truly extraordinary potential. However, it is a shame that they lack adequate platforms or facilities for the development of these two things.

Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) then promoted one of the superior programs in order to further optimize the development of interests and talents among students through AMANAH.

For training to develop the interests and talents of the students themselves, AMANAH has a number of superior programs covering various sectors.

Several training sectors as superior programs in AMANAH are in the agriculture, fisheries, livestock, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), creative economy industries, sports and many social movements.

No half-hearted, even AMANAH has a very strong commitment to paying very special attention to the world of Islamic boarding schools in Aceh or what is commonly known as dayah.

The many activities that AMANAH carries out are able to continue to inspire and provide support to all young people from the area nicknamed Veranda of Mecca so that they continue to work and show their positive contribution to the sustainability of the country.

One of Indonesia’s well-known influencers, Syakir Daulay, hopes that with various positive activities, including training in AMANAH, he will be able to bring young Acehnese people to the national and even international stage.

Appreciation from various parties continues to come for the series of events that AMANAH is holding because it is not only about listening to all the aspirations of the youth, but also providing a stage for them to continue to perform and create.

Meanwhile, Babussalam Al Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School (Dayah) Caretaker, Tgk. H. Muhammad Yusuf A. Wahab welcomed the various programs that AMANAH is organizing because they can be concrete solutions to the problems that young people are experiencing, especially in facing economic turmoil and challenges.

A series of abilities or skills that enable the nation’s next generation of young people to face challenges in the economic world, namely by utilizing the development of their interests and talents, is something that is very important to teach even from an early age.

Because teaching through the right approach allows young people to further develop their interests and talents, thereby forging them to become individuals who are not spoiled, but can be independent and more resilient.

On the other hand, one of the female students, Wilda Shaleha, also gave very high appreciation. He stated that the event held by AMANAH was very inspiring and able to provide enormous opportunities for the students so that they become entrepreneurs but on the other hand while still studying.

Indeed, the program at AMANAH is extraordinary, especially in motivating students to develop their interests and talents so they can become independent and successful entrepreneurs.

Not only that, but there is another superior program in the form of training at AMANAH which fully supports the nation’s young generation in Aceh so they can be successful in the fashion industry.

There is fashion designer training for young people in the area nicknamed Tanah Rencong as a stage or forum for young people to express all their creativity and various ideas.

In this training, it was seen that quite a few young people from Aceh turned out that even though they were still beginners, they had truly extraordinary talent or potential. Even just by getting a little guidance, they can become talented young fashion designers.

This fact actually shows that in fact the young generation who will succeed the nation from the area nicknamed the Veranda of Mecca has high power and potential.

However, unfortunately this hidden potential and talent has not been able to be highlighted due to the absence or lack of facilities and platforms for them to hone their interests and talents. Therefore, the presence of AMANAH is clearly a very concrete answer to this problem.

AMANAH continues to provide an approach that continues to be relevant and appropriate to all of the nation’s future young generations so that they remain enthusiastic and enthusiastic in participating in the entire series of training activities.

This is one of the many concrete pieces of evidence that AMANAH has indeed been very optimal in its efforts to develop the interests and talents of the Islamic boarding school students in Aceh.

)* The author is a Persada Institute contributor, lives in Aceh

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