AMANAH Program Creates Creative Youth and Prosperous Aceh

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) of the Republic of Indonesia initiated the construction of a Youth Creative Hub in Aceh or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (Amanah) Central Building as a concrete form of full support for increasing the creativity and innovation of all youth at the Veranda of Mecca. It is hoped that this program can create creative youth and an increasingly prosperous Aceh.

Of course, the talent for creativity and potential for innovation that can be born by the youth of the nation’s next generation should be fully supported by all components. Knowing how important it is to support this, BIN initiated the construction of a Youth Creative Hub.

Later, in the Youth Creativity Building in Aceh or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (Amanah) Central Building, the youth there will be trained and trained and educated about various efforts to further maximize their interests and talents.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI), Dito Ariotedjo, explained that previously the PYCH building itself had been inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Papua, and then construction continued at several points, one of which was Aceh.

With the construction of YCH Aceh Amanah, which was initiated by BIN, it is assessed that it will be able to create synergy in order to further increase youth participation in their respective regions.

So the impact will be felt by increasing the Youth Development Index. In every region in Indonesia, all young people certainly have their own talents and interests or specifications according to their region, such as in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, health or other fields.

The Youth Creative Hub in Aceh itself will become a forum or shared home to further develop the various talents of young people, not just focusing on one sector with lots of substantive education that can be used in society in an applicable way.

Deputy for Coordination for Improving the Quality of Children, Women and Youth at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) Woro Srihastuti Sulistyaningrum said that in fact all youth in Indonesia have the potential to be able to contribute greatly to advancing this country.

This is further supported by the projected peak demographic bonus in 2030, which is reinforced by data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for 2022 which shows that the number of young people belonging to Generation Z and Millennials is up to 67.13 million people.

Therefore, the potential for young people to contribute to advancing this nation is enormous, especially if they want to be independent and become entrepreneurs and dare to do business.

In the Youth Creative Hub building or Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (Amanah) Central Building, all the potential possessed by young people will continue to be trained so that they are able to contribute actively in advancing their region and advancing this country.

PYCH Aceh Amanah as BIN’s Real Support for Youth Potential

The strong commitment and real support from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) for all the talents, talents and potential of young people is reflected in the development of PYCH Aceh Amanah.

So far, BIN continues to show its concern for how to develop interests and talents as well as creativity and innovation among young people from its various programs.

One of these programs is the provision of very complete and magnificent facilities called PYCH Aceh Amanah, which previously had a great success and was running in Papua.

Due to experiencing real success in the support program for increasing interest and talent as well as creativity and innovation among young people in Papua, President Jokowi gave great appreciation to BIN.

So, the Head of State again instructed that the development of similar Youth Creative Hubs be accelerated in several other points in Indonesia such as in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Maluku and even in Aceh.

Because of this, many parties have given very high appreciation to the State Intelligence Agency, including this appreciation coming from Acehnese Youth, namely the Chair of Creative Aceh, Delky Nofrizal Qutni.

He fully supports BIN’s efforts in providing facilities for young people in the Veranda of Mecca because the entire young generation there is actually in no way inferior to young people in other regions in Indonesia.

Acehnese Youth Have a Lot of Creative and Innovation Potential

Delky added that all young people in Aceh also have a lot of talents and interests as well as the potential for creativity and innovation, which if they get full support will clearly contribute positively to national development.

Acehnese youth have great interest, such as in the fashion sector, creative industries driven by young local creators, animal husbandry, fisheries and many others. So having real support from BIN is a very useful thing.

Because, when all young people in Aceh receive optimal support, of course they will be able to further develop their abilities and can even compete on the national and world stages.

Knowing how great potential all youth in Aceh have, BIN provides its full support for increasing the creativity and innovation of the nation’s next generation through the development of PYCH Aceh Amanah.

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