AMN Development Continues Proof of BIN’s Commitment to Building the Young Generation

The existence of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) in several areas, including Manado, is a concrete manifestation of the attention of the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) to improving the quality of higher education in the country. Now construction of these facilities continues and is expected to be completed in 2024.

The Indonesian government, through BIN, continues to show very high concern for efforts to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia. One of the steps is the construction of AMN Manado.

The current development of AMN in Manado also continues to show positive results. Regarding this, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Region III, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Endra Bekti, explained that the construction of AMN facilities in Manado is continuing in progress. Not only that, the PUPR Ministry together with contractors continue to accelerate development, especially in the Block A area or the Boys’ Dormitory Building.

Of course, the existence of AMN Manado will really help in improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia. Moreover, this building also allows the entire young generation of the nation to get to know each other across regions and understand how different backgrounds occur.

The seriousness of the central government through the appointment of BIN as the initiator of AMN development, which was previously realized in the City of Heroes Surabaya, then continued in Manado until later it will continue to be implemented in several other regions in Indonesia such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Malang is a form of attention to the world education.

The education sector in Indonesia will be able to continue to experience improvement and progress with the active contribution of students in various regions. The Governor of North Sulawesi Province (Sulut) through the Provincial Secretary (Sekprov), Steve Kepel, stated that education itself is not only the responsibility of the government. However, progress and improvement in the world of education is the shared responsibility of all parties, including the private sector.

The existence of AMN Manado really contributes, not only as a place to live for students, but also as a social, intellectual and entrepreneurial laboratory. AMN is not only able to produce the nation’s intelligent young future generation, but is also a milestone in the success of the world of education in the North Sulawesi region.

Head of BIN, Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan said that the presence of AMN Manado was the center for the birth of future national leaders who were highly competitive, then had the spirit to defend the country, a strong sense of nationality within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia which was loyal to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

The development of AMN Manado is a forum for uniting all students from various ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions who come from various regions in Indonesia and from various universities.

For its own management, the Nusantara Student Dormitory receives full guidance from various parties such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), BIN, the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), the Indonesian National Army (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri). ), the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) and the local Provincial Government.

The role of BIN itself is to be a leading sector in the national development program for AMN students so that they are able to prepare to become future national leaders.

The coaching program implemented by BIN at AMN is able to become a forum that can reflect the beauty of diversity between the various differences of each young generation.

Regarding the coaching program that BIN runs, there are many things such as increasing competence and understanding of national insight, Pancasila student character, national defense, entrepreneurship, leadership and pioneering.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Staff of AMN Manado from BIN, Idham Malik, said that the main aim of constructing the building was as a forum to unite all students and female students from various regions throughout Indonesia.

They will all be able to get to know and appreciate each other’s cultural differences and continue to maintain harmony and cohesiveness in order to strengthen relations between the nation’s children within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

No half-hearted, AMN Manado has very complete facilities, such as towers for male and female student dormitories, then the presence of a meeting hall, multi-purpose room, sports field, garden, road access and parking area.

AMN can make a huge contribution to the development of young human resources (HR) throughout Indonesia, especially in North Sulawesi Province. Because it’s not just physical construction or work.

The younger generation will have a very conducive environment for them to learn, be creative and collaborate. So, take an active role in realizing significant steps to fully support the nation’s vision in creating a superior young generation, ready to compete at national and international levels.

AMN Manado is a very concrete form of the government’s attention through BIN to improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia by instilling a strong national character in all of them so that they will be ready to become future leaders of the nation.

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