Anticipate Radicalism & Terrorism During the 2024 Election

In response to the 2024 General Election which will take place in a few months, and to anticipate the possibility of criminal acts of terrorism, it is necessary to hold a coordination meeting to increase collaboration between parties in overcoming terrorism. For this reason, the Director of Capacity Building at the Deputy for Enforcement and Capacity Development of the BNPT RI Brigadier General Pol. Wawan Ridwan, SIK, SH, MH said that the National Counterterrorism Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNPT RI) was holding a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) to Strengthen the Handling of Criminal Acts of Terrorism in Facing the 2024 Election.

This coordination meeting was held to increase collaboration between all relevant parties in order to anticipate the possibility of criminal acts of terrorism in the 2024 elections, the process of which has already begun. In the Coordination Meeting which was attended by TNI personnel; National Police; SON; National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB); Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs; Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri); Ministry of Health (Kemenkes); and the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), three important points were discussed. These include the readiness of government officials, the problem of mobilizing personnel from the TNI, Polri and related agencies as well as recommendations for strategic steps to strengthen coordination in handling criminal acts of terrorism during the 2024 election democratic celebration.

These three points were discussed comprehensively by looking at all input, opinions and experiences of each meeting participant which would later be combined into a policy recommendation. Wawan hopes that through this coordination meeting, policy recommendations will be produced to increase synergy and integration in anticipation of potential threats ahead of the 2024 general election.

Coordination steps were taken to anticipate radical terrorist movements which are said to have the potential to grow rapidly ahead of the general election. Previously, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also reminded us to continue monitoring and supervising social media, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election. All forms of risk must be understood so that intolerant people do not use them to influence and divide society. Moreover, currently many people have been detected who have been exposed to radicalism and terrorism because they were recruited by certain groups, through social media.

Even though so far, conditions in the country are believed to be safe and there are no indications of radical terrorist movements, so the public can prepare for the elections safely and comfortably. Vice President Ma’ruf Amin continues to advise all parties not to be careless. Moreover, terror organizations will always look for ways to spread their beliefs, especially to vulnerable groups, namely women, youth and children. For this reason, it is necessary to continue to monitor and be aware of conditions in the field, such as indications of an increase in categories among students or the younger generation. First, from tolerant to passive intolerant, then passive intolerant to active, and from active intolerant to exposed.

Conditions like this are dangerous if appropriate and measurable action is not taken immediately. Because, exposure to teenagers and children will result in the loss of the potential of this nation’s golden generation in 2045 and even disrupt the implementation of the upcoming 2024 elections.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that regarding terrorist developments, especially in the election year, the National Police, in this case Special Detachment 88 or Densus 88, is more focused on preventative and security measures. Similar steps have been taken previously when facing several international activities, including the G20 Summit and the ASEAN Summit.

Of course, as we approach an election year, this strategy will continue because it is understood that there is the potential for groups affiliated with terror groups to use it for free rides. This is related to the potential that can be exploited, especially when there are differences of opinion, conflict, especially if SARA issues are used.

A soft approach towards former terrorist convicts continues to be carried out through coaching. The National Police is collaborating with BNPT, the Ministry of Religion, and religious figures to continue to take steps for religious moderation.

Therefore, it is hoped that radical, intolerant ideas and even terrorism can be prevented. And also for those that have potential and lead to actions that will certainly have a dangerous impact or disrupt the course of the 2024 election process, the security forces will make arrests. Apart from that, Listyo said, the National Police together with the TNI also continue to be vigilant. The vigilance in question is, in particular, in areas that are the bases of groups affiliated with terror groups.

Apart from that, strengthening efforts to prevent radicalism and terrorism in society also needs to be done so as not to disrupt the course of the nation’s activities, especially those that will take place in the near future, namely the 2024 elections. The involvement of various parties in preventing and dealing with the problems of radicalism and terrorism is highly expected, in order to increasingly narrowing the space for radical groups or terrorists to move.

Indonesian people also need to understand that an attitude of religious moderation is needed to build trust to respect each other and unite the diversity of the nation. Regarding religious moderation, what needs to be moderated is not the religion, but the way of understanding and practicing the teachings of that religion. Therefore, apart from the various steps taken by the government to anticipate radicalism and terrorism ahead of the 2024 elections, an active role is also needed by all elements of society in preventing its spread.

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