Appreciating the Government’s Commitment to Advancing Papua as an Integral Part of the Republic of Indonesia

By Marlene Solossa )*

The government, under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, has demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing Papua as an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Papua’s development has been a top priority for the past 10 years, with a focus on improving welfare, infrastructure development, and empowering human resources. Various policies and programs have been designed and implemented to accelerate progress in eastern Indonesia, which has so far lagged behind the western region.

Since the beginning of his term in 2014, President Joko Widodo has designated Papua as one of the regions that receives special attention in terms of development. Member of Commission IV of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sulaeman L. Hamzah, stated that the allocation of development in Papua is a priority to improve people’s welfare. This is realized through various programs entrusted to related ministries and institutions, as regulated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua.

The Presidential Instruction is a strategic step taken by President Jokowi to accelerate development in Papua. With synergy between ministries and institutions, this program aims to provide integrated, precise, focused, and sustainable solutions. Although the impact has not been maximized, Sulaeman hopes that there will be new regulations that will better support the acceleration of welfare development in Papua during the leadership of the next elected president.

One of the real manifestations of the government’s commitment to advancing Papua is massive infrastructure development. The government has succeeded in building the Trans Papua road of 3,462 kilometers, border roads of 1,098 kilometers, as well as various bridges and airports. This infrastructure development not only improves connectivity between regions in Papua, but also has a positive impact on the community’s economy.

Marshel Raymond, a resident of Sorong, Southwest Papua, said that the construction of roads and bridges greatly helps people’s mobility. One example is the improvement of Jalan Yos Sudarso, which is the main road in Sorong City. By widening the road into two lanes, traffic flow becomes smoother, and people’s economic activities increase.

The construction of various social facilities, such as hospitals and schools, has also had a significant impact on the quality of life of the people in Papua. Marshel Raymond noted that more and more children in Papua have access to education, even in remote villages. Public health has also improved with the presence of health facilities spread to remote areas.

Franky, another Sorong resident, also acknowledged that infrastructure development, including ports and airports, greatly impacted people’s lives. These improved facilities allowed for increased trade and distribution of goods, which ultimately contributed to economic growth in the Papua region.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), Muhadjir Effendy, emphasized that development in eastern Indonesia, especially Papua, is part of an effort to reduce inequality between regions. The government’s efforts to accelerate development in Papua continue to show positive results. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that economic growth in Papua and Maluku in the second quarter of 2024 reached 8.45 percent, making it the highest in Indonesia.

Muhadjir also highlighted the importance of empowering Indigenous Papuans (OAP) in an effort to improve welfare in the region. The government continues to strive to ensure that development in Papua does not only focus on infrastructure, but also on sustainable human resource development.

The government’s commitment to advancing Papua has also been recognized by the international community. The Indonesian delegation to the United Nations (UN) emphasized that Indonesia listens to the wishes and aspirations of the OAP who want peace, prosperity, and development. Indonesia’s sovereign rights over Papua are recognized, and the government continues to be committed to developing Papua as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Mariska D. Dhanutiro, the Political Coordinator of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia in New York, emphasized that Indonesia is a dynamic and strong democratic country. The government always listens to the aspirations of the OAP and works hard to ensure that development in the Papua region runs according to the expectations of the people.

With the various achievements that have been achieved in the development of Papua, both in infrastructure and social welfare, the people of Papua hope that this commitment will continue. Marshel and Franky, as Papuans, have high hopes for the next government to continue the programs that have been implemented by President Jokowi. They believe that with continued attention, Papua will become more advanced and equal to other regions in Indonesia.

In order to strengthen the integration of Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia, sustainable development can also provide benefits for all people in Papua, especially the Papuan Indigenous People. With increased access to education, health, and economic opportunities, Papua is expected to grow into a more prosperous, just, and prosperous region.

The government’s commitment to advancing Papua is a strategic step that not only aims to improve people’s welfare, but also to strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation. As an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia, Papua has great potential that can be developed through fair and equitable development. With the support of the government and the community, the future of Papua as an advanced and prosperous region can be realized.

)* the author is a student from Papua in Surabaya

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