Appreciating the Handling of KST in Bumi Cenderawasih

The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) continues to carry out a number of acts of terror and crime on Earth of Cenderawasih. Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens, who has been held hostage by KST since February 7 2023, has also not been released to date. The KST Papua action really made people anxious and afraid to carry out normal daily activities.
Security forces continue to make optimal efforts to take firm action against KST Papua in accordance with the provisions in force in Indonesia, namely with appropriate and measurable strategies to anticipate the worst risks that may occur. What the security forces have done deserves appreciation from various parties.
Chief of Army Staff (KSAD) General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak said that his party would not use a full combat approach to reduce the conflict in Papua. This is because the conflict in Papua occurred due to differences in understanding which sparked them to want to separate themselves from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
The Army Chief of Staff’s approach received appreciation from the Indonesian Bureaucracy and Service Watch (IBSW) observer, Varhan Abdul Aziz. According to him, with this step, the Army Chief of Staff continues to make efforts to raise awareness among the public about being part of the Republic of Indonesia, and remains firm in providing sanctions if there are violations of the law, especially against KST Papua.
The humanist approach that the Army Chief of Staff will use is very suitable for embracing the community, and this kind of step will increase the Papuan people’s love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), because the TNI is a reflection of the Republic of Indonesia. In fact, the Papuan people need a more humanist approach in handling conflict. With a humanist approach, it is hoped that KST will be easier to control.
Varhan assessed that the Army Chief of Staff’s policy was good, because that kind of approach was expected, by means of dialogue everything would be resolved. Problems will not end if you only use bluffing, let alone violence, but with words and a touch of the heart, it is hoped that Papua will be more peaceful. He is optimistic that the tensions which often result in casualties in Papua can soon be resolved.
In line with the Army Chief of Staff, Papua Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri, prioritizes restorative treatment as an initial effort to take legal action and as a preventive measure so that the security situation remains under control. He has used this method since serving as Jayapura Police Chief in 2009. This method is considered more appropriate because it prioritizes cultural elements in Papuan society. His party is trying to minimize repressive handling patterns. Because this method is not suitable and is very sensitive for the people of Papua.
There have been several examples that have made the security situation in Papua tense, such as the shooting case of a Papuan activist and Deputy Chair of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Mako Tabuni in 2015. Then, riots due to issues of racism in 2019. Two examples of these cases, According to Fakhiri, it was a lesson when he was entrusted with holding the baton of the Papua Police and did not want these two incidents to happen again.
Fakhiri succeeded in suppressing the anarchist actions carried out by sympathizers and supporters of former Papuan Governor Lukas Enembe during the procession to take Lukas Enembe’s body to the burial place. On the other hand, at that time other issues also emerged that could cause polemics in society, especially Indigenous Papuans (OAP).
Meanwhile, regarding national agendas such as the 2024 General Election, Fakhiri has also prepared and anticipated a number of plans and steps. This was done to minimize conflict from the impact of the election. This anticipation can be done by communicating with all parties. It is hoped that the Papuan people can introspect and start improving themselves so that anarchic actions will not occur again.
Meanwhile, it is related to the case of Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens being taken hostage by KST led by Egianus Kogoya. Fakhiri said that this case is the responsibility of all parties and must be resolved using a social and cultural approach. A traditional figure in Papua, Yanto Eluay, appreciated Fakhiri’s 3 years of leadership as Papua Police Chief. For him, Fakhiri is a Papuan son who is firm in making decisions.
Yanto Eluay also appreciated the social and cultural approach taken by Fakhiri in enforcing law in Papua. Because, he considers this method to be quite effective for the Papuan people. He hopes that Fakhiri’s figure and firmness can be an example for anyone who will be trusted to carry out the mandate as the new Papua Police Chief. The new Regional Police Chief is expected to act firmly and without compromise.The commitment and seriousness of the government and security forces in handling Papuan security issues has been proven through various methods and efforts. These efforts should be enough to silence parties who are still narrating negative issues related to the lack of optimal handling of Papua’s security issues. Now is the time for us to work together to support and appreciate the performance of the government and security forces in dealing with Papuan security issues, including KST.

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