Be Wise By Correcting Hoax News

Be Wise By Correcting Hoax News

By: Diyah Rahma Febrina

Hoaks (in English: Hoax) are false or untrue news that are made as if they were true. Hoax news will usually spread through cyberspace, such as the internet, websites, social media, and so on. Hoax aims to create unrest and panic among the community and the environment. Hoax is very easily spread, both through cyberspace and word of mouth. False news and information like this can have an adverse effect on society and the environment.

The virtual world that was once considered to have its own “world” has now changed drastically, the real life of people in this millennial era is even very influenced by everything in cyberspace. Therefore, all information and news that is spread in cyberspace is very closely related and very felt its impact in real life. As news of hoaxes spreads easily, it can form a mindset in society that news or information that is spread through cyberspace, the internet or social media is definitely a hoax. Indeed, in modern times we really need to fight hoaxes, but not just against, we must also have an open mind that not all news and information is false or untrue.


Judging from the many hoaxes that have a great detrimental effect on the real world, the steps we can take to fight hoaxes include, first, filtering out all the news and information we get. In the era of technology as it is today people are required to be critical and intelligent, and responsive in everything. The information and news that we get, we cannot just accept it raw without first ascertaining the truth and its source. Filtering news and information we can do by finding the source of the news, from an official or official website or not, then look for literature related to the news, matching the truth. Finally, we can also confirm it by asking the experts.

Second, select and sort out news or information, that is, after we filter the news and information that we get, we need to select which news and information we need to spread to friends, relatives, relatives, and so on. News and information that is true and contains positive content can we spread, while news that contains content and negative impacts should let it stop on our own. Because the more we spread false and untrue news, the more the hoax’s goal will be achieved, which is disturbing and causing concern to the masses, this of course can lead to chaos and even division.

Third, after we filter and vote, the most important thing is to correct the contents of the news and information. Behind false news and information, usually implied messages that can be taken wisdom. For example, the hoax news about dangerous content in a food or drink, in the information implied the message that we must always be careful in consuming food and drinks for our own health. Not only that, some news and information actually has good and true content, but because it has been spread widely it can be changed or added to and reduced so that it becomes less true news. Therefore, we can correct news and information on hoaxes by justifying or providing true and correct information, so that we can change the news and information that is false and imprecise into something informative and useful for the reader.

Hoax or fake news must be fought with us intelligently, filtering and selecting information is very important in today’s digital era. We as humans are not only required to be smart in processing and providing information, but also must be wise. It is wise to choose which news should be disseminated or not, because one news and information that is spread can have a large and long impact in the future. Being wise in receiving and disseminating information means that we also contribute to maintaining harmony in the environment and society. Fighting hoaxes also means fighting chaos and division within the community so that this country will always be safe, peaceful and more advanced. Welfare and peace in society are important factors for the creation of a successful national development, this will also affect a good leadership system.

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