Beware of Identity Politics Ahead of Regional Elections as a Threat to Democracy

By: Andi Ramli)*

Identity politics continues to be a concern in every political contest, especially ahead of the Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). This phenomenon not only creates social polarization but also threatens the integrity of democracy which should be a tool to embrace differences.

Regional Head Elections, which should be a healthy and honest democratic event, are often infiltrated by identity interests that have the potential to exacerbate divisions. In the context of Indonesian politics, where diversity is the main foundation of the nation, identity politics can be a serious threat if not managed wisely.

Special Staff of the Minister of Religious Affairs for Media and Public Communication, Wibowo Prasetyo, assessed that political friction triggered by identity politics can be minimized. According to him, Indonesian society is increasingly mature in facing political contestation, including the 2024 Pilkada.

Awareness of religious moderation that has been internalized into everyday life makes people more careful in bringing religious issues into the political realm. This view shows that there is a positive development in the collective awareness of society regarding the dangers of identity politics. With the appeal that has been conveyed by the Minister of Religion, the use of identity politics in the political contestation is expected to decrease.

However, the challenges faced are not completely gone. Reni Mayerni, Deputy for Strategic Studies, said that identity politics remains a growing dynamic in democracy.

Reni said that in a democracy, various political identities are institutionalized in certain groups, both in political parties and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that have affiliations with specific identities.

However, challenges arise when the identity is not played with the ethics and morals that it should be, so that it has the potential to loosen national unity. Therefore, the role of identity in politics must be in a clear corridor, so as not to endanger social integrity. Reni sees this phenomenon as a major challenge that needs to be overcome so that democracy continues to run on the right legal path.

The phenomenon of identity politics is not only a local threat, but also a global challenge. Many other democratic countries are also facing similar problems, where identity issues are used to gain the sympathy of voters.

This has the potential to create social polarization that will ultimately harm national stability. Indonesian democracy, which is built on the principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, faces serious challenges when identity politics develops uncontrollably. The politicization of religion and ethnicity not only damages the atmosphere of the democratic party, but also disrupts the national consolidation that has been attempted in the long term.

The seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, in his state address, firmly warned of the dangers of identity politics in the 2024 Election. The President emphasized that Indonesian democracy must become more mature, no longer trapped in the politicization of religion or divisive identity issues.

The message was delivered in order to strengthen national consolidation, an effort to maintain national stability amidst political dynamics. The emphasis shows that the government is aware of the negative impacts of identity politics and is committed to creating a healthier election, where inclusive democracy can thrive.

During President Jokowi’s leadership, awareness of the dangers of identity politics has been raised in various forums, both nationally and internationally. This is in line with the spirit of democracy that is increasingly inclusive and open to all elements of the nation without distinguishing ethnic, religious, or class identities.

The first Indonesian president who came from non-elite political and military circles demonstrated a real commitment to maintaining national unity by continually reminding the public of the importance of maintaining the integrity of democracy.

In the context of the run-up to the regional elections, the use of identity politics is often exploited to gain the sympathy of certain groups, but on the other hand, this can create divisions between different community groups.

Therefore, moderation in politics is an important key to maintaining social stability and harmony. Public awareness of the importance of religious and political moderation has experienced significant development. According to him, the appeal to avoid identity politics has been conveyed well and has produced results in the form of a more peaceful and orderly election atmosphere.

In facing the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada), collective awareness from all elements of the nation is needed, especially not to bring identity issues into politics.

This is important to maintain the integrity of democracy and ensure that ongoing political contestation remains healthy and does not create divisions in society. There must be a concrete solution so that this phenomenon can be managed properly.

In the end, Pilkada is not only about choosing a leader, but also about maintaining national unity. Uncontrolled identity politics can damage the established social order, so the participation of all parties is very necessary to ensure that political contestation runs healthily and democratically.

In this context, efforts by the government, community leaders, and all elements of the nation are very important to continue to strengthen national consolidation and prevent the development of destructive identity politics.

*) National Political Analyst – Indonesian Democracy Study Forum

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