By : Samuel Christian Galal )*
Identity politics is the thing that causes polarization between people, this has happened a lot in the 2014 and 2019 elections and also happened in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. This identity politics eventually causes relations between citizens to become tenuous just because of differences in political choices.
In a speech at the 2022 MPR Annual Session, President Joko Widodo reminded election participants to abolish identity politics. No more politicization of religion. No more social polarization. Jokowi hopes that democracy in Indonesia must be more mature. Jokowi asked participants in the 2023 election to put forward a battle of ideas. This is because identity politics will only sacrifice society.
In line with Jokowi’s statement, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin also called on election participants not to use identity politics to win. Political parties and election contestants must make an integrity pact regarding the prohibition of the use of identity politics.
Previously, this has happened where a mosque has become a campaign site, of course this should not happen again, because if this is allowed, polarization can occur not only in society, but also in mosques and Islamic boarding schools. Do not let just because of differences in choice actually make someone not allowed to enter the mosque.
In order to anticipate the emergence of identity politics, the Election Supervisory Body (BAWASLU) has asked the General Elections Commission (KPU) to make special regulations on identity politics.
RI Bawaslu member Herwyn Malonda said the ban included the application of the concept of identity in practical politics which would have a negative impact on diversity.
Bawaslu firmly stated that it would take action against election participants who carry identity politics in holding the 2024 democratic party. The supervisory agency also prohibits the use of other places of worship as places for practical political campaigns.
Bawaslu has reprimanded one of the 2024 Election Contesting Parties for carrying identity politics. Where the party actually raised the party flag at a mosque in Cirebon, West Java.
Meanwhile, the general chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Board (PBNU), Yahya Cholil Staquf also rejects the use of identity politics. He asked all election contestants and political parties not to use identity politics as a tool to win. Therefore serious steps and efforts are needed to anticipate the emergence of identity politics in the 2024 elections.
On a different occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, hopes that the 2024 election will be free from identity politics. Because identity politics is very dangerous, this is evidenced by the impact of identity politics in the previous election which is still being felt today.
Bamsoet also hopes that in the 2024 election, competition between candidates will run in a healthy manner. Unlike the 2019 elections which led to a breakdown in harmony between communities.
The interests of identity politics are indeed quite worrying and cause rifts to the roots of national unity and integrity. For this reason, his party also invites all elements of the nation to speak out against identity politics as a tool to gain electoral votes.
As chairman of GP Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said, entering a political year, of course many political actors are narrow minded to advance their interests. There are those who are cunning by bringing up religious issues or symbols. This of course must be watched out for together because it is very dangerous for national unity.
Gus Yaqut added, the Indonesian nation was built on the hard struggle of the founders to unite various existing differences such as religion, ethnicity, race, class, language and so on. The unity that has been strongly fostered is cared for and maintained because Indonesia has proven to be a shared home.
Facing this situation, he asked the Ansor and Banser Youth cadres not to be careless. Because it is very likely that political users will target NU cadres for practical purposes.
Gus Yaqut also asked his cadres to continue to tighten coordination patterns at all levels. This is done because in the future political developments in the country will be more dynamic.
GP Ansor is also determined that the 2024 Election must run according to regulations and take place safely, honestly, fairly and pleasantly. This is also in accordance with President Jokowi’s direction which invites political actors to uphold ethics by prioritizing politeness, mutual respect and so on.
On the other hand, the large number of young people who are still in high school/vocational school will of course become a “delicious cake” for political cadres to gain votes. Moreover, today’s young generation cannot be separated from the internet network which allows a variety of information to be obtained from their hands.
Identity politics can arise from anywhere and can target anyone, so people need to be vigilant and careful not to be pitted against each other just because of elections .
)* The author is an Analyst at the Indomedia Gala Institute