Beware of Natural Disasters

Beware of Natural Disasters

By: Riko Arianto


Geologically, the location of Indonesia which is traversed by two young mountain ranges in the world, namely the Mediterranean Mountains on the west and Pacific Circum Mountains in the east, causes Indonesia to have an active volcano and is prone to disasters. Natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia include: floods, long droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and landslides.

It is still fresh in our memories that a series of natural disasters that have caused many casualties, such as the tsunami tragedy in Aceh and Nias, massive earthquakes in Tasikmalaya and Padang, landslides in Cianjur, even floods in various areas which often come in the rainy season.

Community and Government Participation

A lot of homework must be done by the government and the community in anticipation of natural disasters. Starting from the preparation of equipment to detect the occurrence of disasters such as the tsunami and volcanic eruptions, the construction of types of buildings that are resistant to earthquake disasters, management of urban planning and awareness of citizens to cope with floods or maintenance of upstream areas and mountains and forests to prevent land Avalanche.

Related to environmental conditions, of course this also requires the active participation of the community in maintaining and preserving the environment which can be started from the environment around his residence.

Preparations Must Be Made

Most of natural disasters occur suddenly, we become panic and have no idea what to do, the first thing to come is to immediately run away to save themselves. Other problems such as home and property will never be crossed in our minds. Nevertheless there is no harm in preparing yourself for the possibility of a disaster, by collecting important documents in the house.

This is meant if the disaster has been completed, the victims of the disaster must still continue to live and the document can be used to continue the life. We recommend that you unite important documents in one bag that are easy to carry out when you are going to save yourself. These documents can be in the form of:

  • Education diploma.
  • Letters of ownership of land, houses, vehicles etc.
  • Birth certificate and family card.
  • Insurance policy along with the agent number that can be contacted.
  • Wills letter.
  • Family member telephone numbers.


*) The author is a PTN student in Semarang

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