Beware of the Spread of Radical Ideas Ahead of the Holy Month of Ramadan

In facing the fasting month of Ramadan, Indonesia must increase vigilance against the increasingly worrying spread of radical ideology. Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Rycko Amelza Dahniel, said that although there will be no terrorist attacks in Indonesia throughout 2023, there is a trend of increasing consolidation and radicalization processes that must be watched out for. Rycko identified three key indicators of the increase.

First, there was a strengthening of terrorism cells, which was marked by an increase in the number of perpetrators arrested and the number of weapons and explosives confiscated. Second, there has been an increase in the collection of funds for terrorist activities through various methods and utilized momentum. And thirdly, there is an increase in the process of radicalization of three vulnerable groups: women, teenagers and children. This radicalization was carried out systematically, massively and planned by using religious robes and manipulating religious symbols and attributes.

Apart from that, the Central Java Regional Police also warned of the increase in the spread of radical ideas through social media content, especially during the 2024 election campaign. The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Regional Police, Police Commissioner Satake Bayu Setianto, highlighted that both terrorist networks and radical groups continue to try to destabilize security. and public order (kamtibmas) by taking advantage of the momentum and issues that arise.

In facing this situation, people need to be wise and intelligent in using social media. Groups with radical views use various media platforms, especially social media, as a real threat to the stability of security and social order. They have an agenda to create instability and a crisis of distrust in the ongoing democratic process in Indonesia, which is contrary to the values ​​of Pancasila.

According to Police Commissioner Satake Bayu Setianto, young people are the main targets for the cadre formation of radical groups and terrorist networks. Therefore, parents, teachers and society as a whole need to protect young people from the spread of radicalism. Young people must be self-aware, smart in choosing friends, and able to filter information circulating on social media so as not to be influenced by hoax content that smacks of radicalism.

People must be able to be wise and intelligent in using social media. He emphasized that radical groups use various media platforms, especially social media, as a real threat to security stability. Terrorist networks and radical groups have an agenda to create instability and a crisis of distrust in the ongoing democratic process in Indonesia.

Not only in Central Java, but the National Police also appealed to the people in Central Kalimantan to be alert to radicalism. Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police, Police Commissioner Erlan Munaji, emphasized that radicalism and terrorism are still hidden dangers in society. Police Commissioner Erlan said that the role of collaboration from various elements of society is very necessary in distancing the younger generation from this misguided understanding.

Every individual has the potential to be exposed to radicalism, especially through factors such as the politicization of religion, deviant understanding of religion, and economic factors. Therefore, he appealed to the public to increase self-protection by understanding religion correctly and upholding the spirit of Pancasila, diversity and unity in diversity.

In the overall situation described above, it can be seen that the spread of radical ideology is a serious threat, and the fasting month of Ramadan can be a vulnerable moment. Strengthening security and efforts to prevent radicalization, especially towards vulnerable groups such as women, teenagers and children, need to be the main focus during this period. Through collaboration between agencies and the active role of the community, it is hoped that Indonesia can face this challenge effectively and maintain the stability of social security and order.

In dealing with the spread of radicalism, concrete steps such as increasing correct understanding of religion, upholding the spirit of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and learning how to filter information circulating on social media, are very important. The public must also increase their own protection so that they are not exposed to radicalism which can threaten public security and order.

Thus, in the midst of the fasting month of Ramadan, it is important for all Indonesian people to unite in facing the threat of radicalism and terrorism. Through mutual awareness and cooperation, we can create a safe and peaceful environment, which allows us to carry out our worship solemnly and peacefully.

Active community participation in preventing the spread of radical ideas, especially before and during the month of Ramadan, is also very important. The public has an invaluable role in fighting radicalism and terrorism by reporting suspicious activities or actions to the authorities.

The public needs to increase awareness of the importance of reporting suspicious activity, such as unusual gatherings or questionable online activity. Apart from that, they must also develop a critical attitude towards the information they receive on social media, and not be influenced by radical narratives.

By actively involving the community in efforts to prevent the spread of radical ideas, we can create a safer and more peaceful environment, especially as we enter the month of Ramadan which is expected to be a time full of peace and blessings.

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