BIN Develops a Sustainable Economy in Aceh Through the AMANAH Program

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) together with other government agencies continue to develop the economy and empower youth in Aceh through the Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar (AMANAH) program. This program, which is a direct instruction from President Joko Widodo, is believed to be able to develop a fair and sustainable economy on Bumi Serambi Mecca.

The existence of the AMANAH program has received appreciation from many parties. Head of the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUIPT) Nilam Aceh, Syiah Kuala University (USK), Dr. Syaifullah Muhammad revealed that AMANAH, which stands for Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar, is a forum for young people and actors in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as well as the creative economy in developing the economic ecosystem in a just and sustainable manner, especially in Aceh Province.

AMANAH will become a Creative Hub that provides various production facilities, Human Resources (HR) development, and digitalization for business people, especially MSMEs, so that they have cooperative and competitive business advantages.

The Head of ARC-PUIPT USK also expressed his appreciation and thanks to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo for providing space and opportunities for young people, especially in Aceh, to be creative and innovate through AMANAH.

Not only that, Dr. Syaifullah Muhammad also invited young people and MSME players, especially in Aceh, to become part of AMANAH in developing the economy and community welfare, both now and in the future.

So far, in order to further develop the economy and welfare of the Veranda of Mecca community, AMANAH, which is a program initiated by BIN RI, has done several things. One of them is the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Community (AMANAH) which collaborates with ARC-PUIPT Nilam Aceh Syiah Kuala University (USK) in empowering the millennial generation in Rencong Country.

In the millennial empowerment program, the nation’s young generation is taught various steps to develop a creative economy based on the processing of Acehnese patchouli oil.

The first debut of the AMANAH program was the implementation of a training program on four patchouli derivative products, namely perfume, body butter, pomade and body wash soap, which was attended by 72 participants.

The large number of young participants who took part in this activity also indicates that the AMANAH program is in great demand and is fully supported by Acehnese young people.

Appreciation was also expressed by youth representatives, namely the Chair of Creative Aceh Delky Nofrizal Qutni who said that he fully supports President Joko Widodo’s instructions regarding the construction of creative youth buildings in his region.

According to him, the young generation in Aceh has many areas of creativity, innovation and great interest. There are many fields that they are interested in, such as fashion, creative industries, animal husbandry, fisheries and other fields.

Therefore, the active role of the government to facilitate the creativity and innovation of the young generation is very important. Moreover, the President’s instructions regarding the construction of the Youth Creative Hub are also very much in line with those contained in Qanun Number 4 of 2018 concerning Aceh Youth Development.

Chairman of AMANAH, Muhammad Tanwier said that Aceh patchouli is one of nine other superior commodities which indeed have high economic value, because patchouli is an export commodity and is the raw material for various industrial products abroad.

Of course, with training to empower the younger generation in processing patchouli derivative products, the millennial generation will become drivers of the local economy in Aceh, including later becoming drivers of the national economy as well.

Meanwhile, Head of the BIN Research and Development Center (Kapuslitbang), Dr. Armi Susandi said there were plans to develop an agro-industrial system for various commodities in Aceh including patchouli through information technology. Because later with the use of information technology, it will be able to be used to help society, both in the use of IT upstream and downstream in the agro-industrial chain.

Not only that, the use of technology also makes it possible to estimate clear climate characteristics which will really help farmers carry out the cultivation process much better.

On another occasion, Chairman of the BIN Strategic Analysis Board (DAS), Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Dr. Muhammad Munir emphasized that BIN received the task directly from the Head of State to help improve the economy in Aceh through the superior and great millennial generation. Due to a request from the President, the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan immediately followed up quickly, namely contacting the Aceh Regional Government (Pemda) and other related parties including USK universities. In other words, it is very clear that through the implementation of the AMANAH program, it is a forum for young people in Aceh to be able to develop economic activities with a just and sustainable ecosystem.

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