By: Januar Dominicus )*
The State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) continues to be strongly committed to helping improve the quality of higher education in the country. One way is to provide a very conducive learning environment through the Manado Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN).
The quality of higher education in Indonesia itself is one of the important keys to developing this nation to become more advanced in the future. This is because the existence of quality higher education will certainly contribute to improving the young human resources (HR) of this country.
One way to improve the quality of higher education is to create a learning and teaching environment that is very conducive for young people.
When the learning and teaching environment is very conducive, the nation’s future young generation will also be more optimal and optimal in their pursuit of knowledge, which will be very useful for Indonesia’s progress.
Indeed, the role of the younger generation is very important, because in the future they will become the successors to the current generation’s leadership relay. It is in the hands of these young people how the fate of the nation lies, whether it will be able to become a developed and prosperous country or the opposite.
Because of the important role of the young generation as the nation’s successors, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through BIN initiated the development of AMN, which previously had great success in the City of Heroes, Surabaya, then now in Manado and in the future it will continue to reach various regions. such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Malang.
Head of BIN, Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan said that the presence of AMN was indeed the center for the birth of future national leaders. The entire young generation of AMN Manado residents will receive a lot of education and training so that they are ready to become future leaders of the nation who have high competitiveness, the spirit to defend the country, a strong sense of nationality within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia, and remain loyal to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
To date, the development of AMN development in Manado also continues to show positive results. Regarding this, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Region III, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Endra Bekti, explained that the construction of AMN facilities in Manado is continuing in progress. Not only that, the PUPR Ministry together with contractors continue to accelerate development, especially in the Block A area or the Boys’ Dormitory Building.
The construction of the AMN in Manado is a forum to further unite all young people, especially those who are pursuing higher education or as students from all corners of the region.
Various ethnic groups, languages, cultures and religions from various universities are united in AMN Manado. So this creates a very rich and extraordinary combination.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Staff for AMN Manado from BIN, Idham Malik, also assessed that the construction of the building which stands on 5 hectares of land is indeed to unite all the young generation of the nation in Indonesia with the aim of making them able to respect each other.
Cultural diversity in the country is indeed very high, so it is fitting that people, even from a young age, must have a good understanding to be able to respect each other, including maintaining harmony, cohesiveness and continuing to strengthen relations between the nation’s children within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia.
The presence of a conducive learning environment for the entire young generation, is not only carried out by BIN itself, but also collaborates with various other parties such as the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and involves the active role of local universities.
According to the Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut) Province through the Provincial Secretary (Sekprov) of North Sulawesi, Steve HA Kepel, the role of many parties in development and the success of AMN Manado deserves very high appreciation.
Having full support from all parties, including collaboration between the Central Government, the local Regional Government (Pemda) and all stakeholders or local stakeholders is clearly the key to success in realizing high-quality higher education.
Moreover, the construction of AMN in Manado itself is not just a physical building, but is also a symbol of how strong BIN’s commitment is to human resource development, especially the younger generation.
Through the existence of AMN Manado, the Government sent BIN as the initiator to create a very conducive environment for all students and students to improve the quality of their learning.
Not only studying, but in AMN all young people can also carry out various other very positive activities such as working, being creative and collaborating together.
BIN’s assistance in improving the quality and quality of higher education through AMN Manado is clearly a concrete step that is by no means trivial. Having a learning environment that is very conducive to students will clearly be very helpful for the progress of the nation.
)* The author is a Digital Literacy contributor